My girlfriend sent me this today. She has 3 kids and Bethany is the youngest. It really made me laugh and that's pretty hard these days so I thouhgt I'd share it with you all.
"So Bethany, 6, says to Michael, almost 8...
How do you make love?
And Michael says: Well, you kiss them and hug them and then, uh.. I don't know, give them a present.
And Bethany says, NO Mike, I mean, how do you WRITE it????"
Dee in OR
--modified by Dee in OR at Fri, Oct 19, 2001, 16:14:36
Re: Nothing to do with anything..
That's great, Dee - out of the mouth's of babes!June in Toronto who has Blepharospasm (beb) and Meige
Re: Nothing to do with anything..
Too funny. She should send that to Reader's Digest and make some money on that one. Priceless.
Re: Nothing to do with anything..
Your friend could take her kids to the children's barn at the Arkansas State Farm and Shirley will explain things to them.Just a suggestion. Sally
Re: Nothing to do with anything-well almost nothing
Excellent idea Sally. As a school nurse, I taught "Growth and Development" to the 5th and 6th graders. I loved doing it. It is so very easy to talk to young kids once you get past all the giggling. They are so interested and eager to learn and will ask anything and you know that I will answer anything. I always loved that part of the job. It is such a mistake to wait until your kids are teenagers before you start talking about the birds and the bees. If you haven't been open and talking to them about things before that, they aren't going to want to listen to you at that age. If you start out really early answering all their questions, it is so very easy and continues to be easy even when they are 18 and 20 like my sons are.Shirley in AR. I know that you were kidding, Sally, but it allowed me to get on one of my soapboxes. Thanks
Re: Nothing to do with anything-well almost nothing
Always happy to provide you with a soap box, Shirley. I have plenty of them with all the laundry I do!!Sally in North Idaho who sent her husband to a card party, while she stays home to moan and groan with a painful leg.
Re: Nothing to do with anything-well almost nothing
Sally, what is a card party? Never heard of it.
What are you doing about your leg? You really worry me.Christel in Ca. who wishes Sally's leg would get better already
Re: Nothing to do with anything-well almost nothing
This particular one was a pinochle party, where they play in partners. Others could be bridge, canasta, or whatever. I probably sounded like "greeting cards," huh??Sally in North Idaho who thanks you for your concern
Re: Nothing to do with anything-well almost nothing
Yes, Sally, I was thinking of greeting cards, playing cards just never occurred to me, but that was really stupid of me. The old brain just aint what it used to be.Christel in Ca. who wants you to get rid of the pain
--modified by Christel-California at Mon, Oct 22, 2001, 23:40:36
Re: Nothing to do with anything-well almost nothing
Christel, I was also thinking of greeting cards, too. I don't play cards so I never give them a thought. We'll just blame it on the drugs. At least I will.Shirley in AR who also wants Sally's pain to go away.