Shirley, this may amuse you

Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Oct 20,2001,20:22   Archive
Shirley - forgot to mention that on my second visit to the new doctor, while telling him how long the Botox lasted, I asked how many units he had given me. He gazed in vain at his notes then said: "Well, it was a fair whack ! "

His was just so nice and caring that I did not press the point - I am sure I will find out soon !! He has only a very few patients using Botox but he seems very interested in the condition.


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Re: It certainly did!

Re : Shirley, this may amuse you --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 20,2001,20:38 Top of Thread Archive
ROFL and crying at the same time. Yes, Lyn, that is amusing. I'm just glad that you like him so much or I'd tell you to "run" again. Next visit, start early and ask him how much he is going to give you this time and how much at each site. He really-really needs to know this and you do too. Draw a picture ahead of time and take it in with you and have him put little x's on it to mark the sites and then put the number of units beside each x. Train this man! Please! Some are worth training. Take this opportunity to let him know what this bulletin board expects of him.
My son's words keep coming to me "Dear God"! A fair whack! I simply cannot believe this.

This is one for the record books.

Shirley in AR. Amused, to say the very least.

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Re: It certainly did!

Re : Re: It certainly did! --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Lyn Patterson ® , Oct 20,2001,23:25 Top of Thread Archive
Shirley, although I hate to say it, it is very Australian !


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Re: It certainly did!

Re : Re: It certainly did! --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Oct 21,2001,05:13 Top of Thread Archive
I think as we realize what is important and what is not and it is not always in our best interest to "be nice". Even in little things.
I work in the hospital and they are remodeling the kitchen. I know my way around so went to get paper cups of ice for me and my friends. Someone stopped me and asked if I was getting ice for a patient. (as if it made a difference). I said no there was no other place to get ice. She said;"Do you have a hair net?" (She didn't) I said no and she said you have to wear one. I said do you have one I can use? She said no. So I got my ice and walked out. Trying to think of what to do Mon. Any ideas? A turban? Bandages? A wool cap? There are so many options.
I'm in a bad , mean, mood, my husband is still sick and grouchy and not getting any better. So I'm not taking anything from anyone..
Spent an evening with my grandchildren. Heaven. Love, Ann

--modified by Ann Doyle at Sun, Oct 21, 2001, 05:15:50

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Re: It certainly did!

Re : Re: It certainly did! --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Oct 21,2001,05:32 Top of Thread Archive
lol! i suppose some men are worth training if one knows how to do it. i've never been experienced at this.

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Re: Shirley, this may amuse you

Re : Shirley, this may amuse you --- Lyn Patterson
Posted by Christel-California ® , Oct 21,2001,11:27 Top of Thread Archive
Lyn, you provided the first good laugh I had on this Sunday morning.

Christel in CA.

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