Love Those Long-Winded Posts!

Posted by Geri Arts ® , Oct 25,2001,15:39   Archive

Thanks for responding to my latest question about nite creams for my sister who has BEB/glaucoma. I thought the warm wash cloth in the morning routine was right on target.

You've been through a lot in the last six months, Shirley, and yet you're always there for us. No question is too big or too small for you. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your posts.

Good luck with your Botax on Monday. Looks like you have a pretty good track record with it.

BTW, I love nurses; my niece Lisa is a nurse in Middletown, Maryland with four kids and a husband with Crohn's disease. You gals always seem to pull it together and yet give to others. Mucho thanks.

O:-) (angel smiley)

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Re: Love Those Long-Winded Posts!

Re : Love Those Long-Winded Posts! --- Geri Arts
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 25,2001,16:41 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks Geri, for the kind words. You are a great support for your sister. I'm sure that she appreciates all that you do for her. I thank you if she hasn't lately.
It is nice to hear that your niece is a nurse. Sounds like she may very well have her hands full. Crohn's disease is a frustrating thing to deal with, also, with no known cure and often times very painful symptoms. Hopefully, he is able to take medication to relieve his

Take care,

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