Mattie Lou Koster

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Oct 25,2001,17:13   Archive
Unless someone objects, I plan on copying all the posts regarding Mattie Lou and sending to the BEBRF from all of us of the bulletin board. So anyone that would like to say anything about this wonderful lady, do so, and in a week or so, I will send it all off.

Thank you,
Shirley Barr

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Re: Mattie Lou Koster

Re : Mattie Lou Koster --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Christel-California ® , Oct 25,2001,21:16 Top of Thread Archive
What a wonderful idea, Shirley. Leave it to you to come up with it.

Christel in Ca. who thinks that Shirley in Arkansas is A-OK

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Re: Mattie Lou Koster

Re : Mattie Lou Koster --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Oct 25,2001,22:17 Top of Thread Archive
Very thoughtful, Shirley. I'm sure the family will be touched and appreciative.

Sally Holt

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