special visitor

Posted by Cynthia ® , Nov 01,2001,21:52   Archive
This has nothing to do with much of anything, but just wanted to share about the special visitor at the Peoria support group meeting last week. Since Mary Lou was unable to come because of her mother's illness we had a pharmacist who talked about Myobloc. The pharmacist brought along pet dog. (Pet dog was cutting teeth and RPh was unable to find a sitter for him.) Pet dog was unhappy and would not sit on the two chairs his owner put together for him to sit on. Pet dog did not want to sit on top of the table either. Pet dog was put on the floor, but continued to be unhappy. One care-giver offered to take cute little unhappy dog outside where pet dog perked up and left part of himself. We're not sure what the RPh said about the Myobloc except that we could try it for $25 and then receive a year's worth at no extra charge.

Another subject: I heard that in one childless neighborhood (in Illinois) inhabitants stocked up on Halloween candy and wondered where all the children were coming from -- then they saw the bus from Ohio parked at the end of the street.

Feel free to censor this message if need be.
Cynthia in IL

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