
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Nov 06,2001,19:43   Archive
Many of you who wear a nightguard said that it is thicker in the back because that's where most of the pressure is. Does it also cover your front teeth or just the back? And is it on the bottom or top? I had one that was thicker in the back and only covered my back teeth so I couldn't close my mouth all the way. When I moved to Oregon and got a new dentist and a new nightguard, he didn't like the old one and said it would change my bite. Now I wear one that covers all of my bottom teeth and was slightly thicker in the back but isn't anymore! Thanks.

Dee in OR

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Re: Nightguards

Re : Nightguards --- Dee in OR
Posted by kathy ® , Nov 07,2001,06:11 Top of Thread Archive
dee. i think shannasy is wearing a bite plate from her dentist at night. there were some major postings awhile back abou this. you could direct your question to her.

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Re: Nightguards

Re : Nightguards --- Dee in OR
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Nov 07,2001,09:55 Top of Thread Archive
I have been wearing a nightguard for 6 years. Mine covers all of my bottom teeth and is thicker in the back to keep the pressure off my jaw (specifically my left side because it is worse). I just recently had to have mine rebuilt with acrylic because it had become so thin that it would rock in my mouth and my pain levels had increased alot. I should have done that about 1 1/2 years ago when I began having problems again but now I will know what to look for next time. It took an hour and a half to rebuild and adjust it and my poor 3 year old was crying by the time we left she was soooo bored!!! She tries to be such a trooper!

Kelly in Dallas

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Re: Nightguards

Re : Nightguards --- Dee in OR
Posted by Shanasy in IL ® , Nov 07,2001,10:24 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Dee,

I don't have mine yet (just got fitted a few weeks ago) but it will go on the top and cover part of the front of my teeth. My girfriend has one (for her migraines) and it fits the bottom inside of her mouth.
I am dreading getting this thing. Just one more ugly thing to deal with! Ahhhhhhh!

Shanasy (still in Indpls.)

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