Support meeting, Ft. Myers Fl.

Posted by Edith Nalepa ® (edith nalepa,Edith Nalepa), Nov 11,2001,20:34   Archive
Attention anyone in this area, the BEB and Facial Dystonia Support Group will meet on Friday, Nov. 16. at the Eye Centers of Fl.Charles Morse, is head of this group, his picture was on the front cover of the last BEB newletter along with others who were honored at the Arz. conference.This will be my first support meeting to attend, my hubby Ed. will come with me.I have yet to meet Chuck Morse or his wife, Wilma, have talked to both on the phone.We are looking forward to this meeting.Thanks to all the vets. who made our freedom possible, my husband is one of them.Talk to you all later. Edith in Fl.

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