Pefect weather, eyes no better

Posted by kathy ® , Nov 17,2001,12:47   Archive
okay i have been having enough problems this time to say my injections are not working very well. part of the problem is very dry air; we need some rain. i get a total of 75 units of botox. do you all think i should ask him to up the dosage next time? how many do most of you get? please reply.

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Pefect weather, eyes no better --- kathy
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Nov 17,2001,13:57 Top of Thread Archive
I get a total of 25 units and my eyes are dry. We are having lots of RAIN!

Dee in OR

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Pefect weather, eyes no better --- kathy
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Nov 17,2001,17:05 Top of Thread Archive
I get 90 units of botox. Make sure you use non-preservative eye drops and night-time creams, especially when the air is very dry, or cold, or, in fact ALL the time - its a must.

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Pefect weather, eyes no better --- kathy
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Nov 17,2001,20:58 Top of Thread Archive
I get 100 units every 8 weeks. We have had some rain but dry eyes is not a problem for me even at 110 degrees and a drought. I just can't seem to get rid of these darn spasms. I can get my eyes open but I'm just not doing as well as I used to.

Kelly in Dallas

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better --- Kelly Saffell
Posted by kathy ® , Nov 18,2001,05:15 Top of Thread Archive
thank you for replying. i guess my next step is take lynn and some the conference suggestions about changing both the sites and dosages of the injections, as well as suggesting or asking my doctor to up the dosage. But what if they are even worse after these changes?

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better --- kathy
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Nov 18,2001,18:24 Top of Thread Archive
"So what if...." Well the answer will handle it. Don't spend too much energy or time what ifing it. It is a waste of time and energy and most what if's never happen or not as bad as we imagined or they are manageable. Question... yes, suggest...yes, be informed...absolutely.

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better --- Delaine Inman
Posted by joyce whitt/NC ® (Joyce Whitt,joyce whitt/NC), Nov 19,2001,08:58 Top of Thread Archive
What do you consider perfect weather? Perfect weather to me is a cloudy day or a rainy day. I can open my blinds and drapes and let the light in the house. If the sun is shinning I have to keep blinds closed and curtains pulled. I can go out in the morning and if the sun is shining my eyes shut down and I have a terrible headache by the time we get home. But that doesn't keep me from going out. I am house bound too much and every opportunity I get I want to get out. By the way I do wear dark sunglasses and a sun visor. I have gotten over the vanity part - who wears a sun visor in the winter. I do. I need to get me a stylish hat but in my area of the country we are very casual and not too many women wear hats but who knows I might start a new trend.

I have just started going to a new doctor. We tried the Myoblock and it didn't work. I had surgery August 1st and I now have spasms under the eyes. I received Botox injections August 27-38 units of Botox and it did not work. Oct. 27th I received 52 units (I don't know why the odd number) it worked better. I asked him to do come further down the cheek and nose area and more around the eyes and i had better results. It lasted one month and I had that one perfect day that I was able to drive. I go back Nov. 26 and I hope this next injections will do as good as this last time.

I agree that the Botox is to extensive but as long as my insurance pays for it I guess I will continue. Maybe that is why it is so high because of the insurance. Cosmetic procedures are not usually covered by insurance maybe that is why it is cheaper. Just a thought.

Joyce in North Carolina where the weather is partly cloudy and I love it. BEB/Meige and Apraxia.

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better/joyce

Re : Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better --- joyce whitt/NC
Posted by kathy ® , Nov 19,2001,10:13 Top of Thread Archive
you are right. the perfect weather for me also is partly cloudy, sometimes. we are expecting rain tonight and tomorrow morning, maybe that will help. just took my walk in the bright sun and it was a strobelight blinking ordeal. this IS with the fl41's and a visor which i wear alot also.

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Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better

Re : Re: Pefect weather, eyes no better --- Delaine Inman
Posted by kathy ® , Nov 19,2001,10:09 Top of Thread Archive
yes. delaine. i know you're right. i keep thinking of the last time my eyes were locked up so badly the cabdriver had to lead me by the hand to the clinic door; the tylenol 3 did not work because i took it too late and i am getting sick of these squeezings when it is such mild perfect, altho joyce is right too sunny, weather.

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