
Posted by Rita Molnar ® , Dec 05,2001,23:47   Archive
Carol, our work histories are so similar...at least up until the time you were able to retire on disability. I, too, was a State Government worker (at a university) when the early retirement incentives were offered. I also retired in 1993, but at age 54. One of the reasons I jumped at the early retirement, was because of this horrific problem I was having with my eyes and my face, which I thought was some symptom of stress overload.

I had the blepharospasm and meige problem when I retired, only I couldn't get a doctor to even consider that I had a medical problem, much less diagnose me. The neurologist I was referred to was not helpful at all. He kept insisting that the drugs were much worst than the condition and he wouldn't recommend them. When I told him I couldn't tolerate the spasms any longer (I called them tics, because I didn't even know what they were), he told me, "so stop doing it". At that point I gave up for a while and thought I was merely going insane. I finally took up a serious search in the fall of 1999, and by pure luck, I'm convinced, I was referred to a neural opthalmologist who knew all about BEB, and he diagnosed me.

I never even knew about the possibility of SS disability until this past week when mention was made of it on the BB. The information is too late for me. But I'm glad you're talking about it now so others might know.

Keep warm, Carol in WA. You can send some snow over here if you'd like... Another record warm day (72) is scheduled for tomorrow in NJ, and I REALLY would like a white Christmas.

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