
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Jan 08,2002,15:30   Archive
Mac, a friend of mine who also has blephs talked the makers of HydroEye into selling him 4 bottles for the price of 2 at a 50% discount in exchange for the two of us to try the product and let the company know how it works. He told them if it works for both of us, then they better hire another person to process the orders because we belong to an organization of 18,000 people who suffer from dry eye and blephs. If it doesn't work, then nothing is lost in trying. I'll keep you all posted as to our progress.

Dee in OR

--modified by Dee in OR at Tue, Jan 08, 2002, 15:39:53

--modified by Dee in OR at Tue, Jan 08, 2002, 16:13:27

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Re: HydroEye

Re : HydroEye --- Dee in OR
Posted by kathy ® , Jan 09,2002,06:02 Top of Thread Archive
it's not prescription then?

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Re: HydroEye

Re : Re: HydroEye --- kathy
Posted by Dee in OR ® , Jan 09,2002,12:04 Top of Thread Archive
NO, I guess not. We are getting it directly from the makers.

Dee in OR

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Re: HydroEye

Re : Re: HydroEye --- Dee in OR
Posted by kathy ® , Jan 10,2002,05:12 Top of Thread Archive
yes, pretty savvy dee. i thought there were approximately 50,000 beb sufferers.

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Re: HydroEye

Re : HydroEye --- Dee in OR
Posted by Priscilla R ® , Jan 09,2002,16:03 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Dee,
That was a great idea. Let me know how the Hydroeye works.
I'm going to the opthamologist to have my eyes checked. My eyes feel
itchy but I don't know if it's because they are dry or just allergies.
I really hope it works for you. Did you ever try
moisture eyes that Shanasy was trying? It was made by carlson labs.
Talk to you later.


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Re: HydroEye

Re : HydroEye --- Dee in OR
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Jan 10,2002,09:41 Top of Thread Archive
Very interesting, keep us informed.

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