Update on Joann Humphrey

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jan 16,2002,20:33   Archive
Hi all, I just called Joann in Salt Lake City. She is there having an upper myectomy done by Dr.Anderson. She is doing fine. She had one eye done yesterday and will have the other one done tomorrow. She sounded very good and had been out sight-seeing the day or two prior to her surgery and says that the city is beautiful and they are getting all geared up for the olympics. Hubby is there taking care of her.
She went to Wendy's for lunch so she is not suffering too badly. :-)

I did forget to ask her about Dr. A's boots. Oh, well, maybe I'll remember to ask if I call her back this weekend. She'll probably be coming back on Tuesday if all goes according to plan.

Shirley in Arkansas

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Re: Update on Joann Humphrey

Re : Update on Joann Humphrey --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Tim Johnson-PA-USA ® , Jan 16,2002,20:59 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks for the update on Joann. Glad to hear the good news. We continue to pray for her surgery to be a success.
I am wondering just what it was that convinced Joann, and others, that surgery was the thing to do. I've not been able to come to a comfortable decision about surgery, even though I am not doing well at all.
Tim in PA, wishing Joann all the best. I was glad to be able to meet her in Phoenix last August at the conference.

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Re:Decision to have surgery

Re : Re: Update on Joann Humphrey --- Tim Johnson-PA-USA
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Jan 16,2002,21:46 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Tim,
I came to the decision to have surgery after I had been to several doctors and realized that medication and botox was not going to be very effective for me with my apraxia problem. I was treated by physicians that were knowledgeable in giving the injections. I was basically non-functional in my daily life. My eyes were closed most of the time. I was being led around. I had run out of other treatment options for my particular situation. Surgeons will always recommend surgery. Neurologists don't uaually recommend surgery unless they see a good reason for it. I was told by two different neurologists that were movement disorder specialists that surgery was a viable option for me. I felt that I had had my symptoms long enough that they weren't going to just dissappear. I felt that life and time was just passing me by and I was just stuck.
I did not expect a cure-I thought that the most that I could hope for was to be a little more functional in my daily life. With that attitude, I asked myself would I be better off having the surgery or continuing on like I was. I opted to take action and try to move forward. Having the upper myectomy was my next logical course of action. Time frame wise, I probably would have waited a little longer before I had the surgery but my husband was taking an early retirement buyout with his company and I wasn't sure about his job status in the future and whether he would be able to go with me or not so I decided to have it done sooner rather than later.
I would do it again. Results were not miraculous but I am more functional than I was. Some days are pretty good but others are still really bad. Over all, things are better, though.

I hope others will let you know how or what led to their decision and if they are glad that they had the surgery done.

Shirley in Arkansas who is having a good eye day

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Re: Re:Decision to have surgery/shirley

Re : Re:Decision to have surgery --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by kathy ® , Jan 18,2002,05:13 Top of Thread Archive

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