Drugs that may cause BEB

Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Feb 07,2002,09:19   Archive
I got this email from a person who says he developed BEB after being given Neurontin for numbness in his arms following several surgeries to release pinched nerves in his arms from lifting at his job as a printer. His doctor had told him that wasn't the cause of BEB, but this info below makes you wonder. Of course it could be combination of pinched nerves in his neck to his brain and the Neurontin was the last straw. I told him many people try neurontin for BEB(including me). I think my many years on Elavil could have helped trigger my BEB, yet many people are put on Elavil for BEB. Both Elavil and Neurontin can cause BEB and yet some people get relief from symptoms using it. Weird.

"Thought you might be interested. I requested all adverse events from the FDA that had been reported to them from people taking Neurontin. It is amazing. Took me two months to get it. Anyway, out of 2702 reports filed there were 10,625 adverse reactions to the drug Neurontin. 3 of them were induced blepharospasm. I was shocked to see that it had caused blepharospasm. There were also 160 deaths. The report is 29 pages long. Of course, many people had many reactions. That is why there is only 2702 people that reported that had adverse reactions. Just think if everyone that had an adverse reaction would have reported it."

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB

Re : Drugs that may cause BEB --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Feb 07,2002,13:21 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks, Delaine. It seems from my reading and also posts on the Dystonia and Spasmodic Dysphonia BBs that Neurontin has the reputation
of having very few side or adverse effects. Maybe that is in relation
to other drugs such as artane which have a general reputation as having
serious side effects. I have read on numerous occasions on the SD
bb that many folks are helped with Neurontin. The worst side effect
I've heard mentioned is lethargy which is common to many of the drugs
we take. This makes your post quite informative and much more interesting..:<) It also reiterates how we all react so differently to
the same drugs. Gee, it's a constant search, isn't it? Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB/Neurotin

Re : Drugs that may cause BEB --- Delaine Inman
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Feb 07,2002,15:54 Top of Thread Archive
I wonder how much neurotin this man was taking? I know lots of people with peripheral neuropathy, which my husband has, who take it in the thousands of mg a day for break-through pain. I could not tell them what the man found out from the FDA, as neurotin is almost their last hope.

I equate taking drugs that cause the disease with homeopathic medicine. Their philosophy is, I believe, that you take `the hair of the dog' that bit you, by using dilutions in the millionths (is that a word?) - if that makes sense to you the way I am explaining it.

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB/Neurotin

Re : Re: Drugs that may cause BEB/Neurotin --- June in Toronto
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Feb 07,2002,20:32 Top of Thread Archive
I think of Homeopathy too when I think of how some things that cause dystonia also helps dystonia. My Mom takes Neurontin and Elavil for Diabetic neuropathy in her feet and it helps her so much I'm sure not going to tell her to stop taking it. Her feet were burning so badly she couldn't sleep until she started taking both drugs over a year ago.

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Re: burning feet/delaine

Re : Re: Drugs that may cause BEB/Neurotin --- Delaine Inman
Posted by kathy ® , Feb 09,2002,07:13 Top of Thread Archive
delaine, are burning feet a symptom of diabetic neuropathy? i know someone who has had many bouts with this type of pain.

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Re: burning feet/delaine

Re : Re: burning feet/delaine --- kathy
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Feb 09,2002,07:34 Top of Thread Archive
I can answer that, Kathy, as my husband has idiopathic neuropathy - and yes, burning feet can be a symptom (main one usually) of any type of neuropathy. We know a guy who has diabetic neuropathy and he feels no pain whatsoever but does feel weakness/numbness in his feet. Neuropathy does seem to go along with most diabetics unfortunately.

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB

Re : Drugs that may cause BEB --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Feb 07,2002,22:20 Top of Thread Archive
How did he get this report? Can one get such a report on any medication through some source?

Sally in Idaho BEB/Meige, who got zonked out on Neurontin, but it did help my feet as it does for your mother.

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB

Re : Re: Drugs that may cause BEB --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Feb 08,2002,10:12 Top of Thread Archive
Mark's wife Susie requested the info from the FDA. She said it took several months to get it, but I guess it is available on every drug to anyone.

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB

Re : Drugs that may cause BEB --- Delaine Inman
Posted by dolores schoppman ® , Feb 09,2002,00:05 Top of Thread Archive
Hi thought you might like to have this web address:
medwatch@listmanager.fda.gov you can subcribe by sending an email and type subscribe in the subject field.
medwatch is the fda safety informationand adverse event reporting program. they send outvery good info . dee in fla.

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Re: Drugs that may cause BEB

Re : Drugs that may cause BEB --- Delaine Inman
Posted by kathy ® , Feb 09,2002,07:04 Top of Thread Archive
good gosh! delaine.

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