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Re: Letter to Allergan

Re : Letter to Allergan --- Dee in OR
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , Feb 18,2002,23:22 Top of Thread Archive
You go Girl! I brought up the very things you mentioned to the Allergan Rep in this area(Ed Knox) as well as the fact that Brian Biesman said he and his partners found some lot # of BOTOX not to be effective. He said he had never heard of their problem and couldn't believe it. I asked my doctor Monday if her office had problems similar to that and she said YES and they ate the cost and gave it to their patients again free. I told her that the group in Nashville had Allergan send it free and she said she would certainly follow up on that. Ed got really defensive with me about the cost and the cosmetic issues. He said Allergan spends millions on research for neurological disorders and he couldn't understand why people didn't expect them to make a profit. How else could they survive and continue to make more products. He said that Allergan gives a lot of BOTOX to people with no insurance and is very supportive to the BEBRF. I told him I didn't expect them not to make a profit but their stock and profits were outrageous, yet my BOTOX kept going up over the past three years and in some countries the cosmetic use was causing a shortage for those who needed it for medical reasons and something was wrong with that picture. He says the folks who get it for wrinkles get a much more diluted dose and fewer injections and pay out of pocket so there is less administrative cost to giving it since insurance doesn't have to be filed and the office doesn't have to wait months to get paid. I get my feathers ruffled every time we discuss it and every time I think or talk or even type about it!!!! He is speaking at the April meeting....he didn't show for the Jan. meeting (said he was sick). I wonder if the thought of walking into a den of lions or a hornets nest had anything to do with it? Surely not. I promised him I'd be nice and see that he wasn't attacked, but it should be interesting. If I keep telling doctors that Allergan pays for the Botox if it doesn't work, he may think I'm a......hornet.
I will be nice to him. He is just doing a job and giving the speech he was taught, hopefully we can help him see our point of view and frustrations with all this.

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Re: Letter to Allergan

Re : Re: Letter to Allergan --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Feb 19,2002,08:31 Top of Thread Archive
My Allergan rep is supposed to be contacting me about my March meeting. She is going to attend and I'm going to have her speak. I was going to talk with her in advance about the same issues you raised with your rep. We'll see what she says.

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Re: Letter to Allergan/Dee

Re : Letter to Allergan --- Dee in OR
Posted by kathy ® , Feb 19,2002,06:02 Top of Thread Archive
Really good letter, Dee!

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