Cervical Dystonia and Appraxia of the eye

Posted by Sue Parker ® , Feb 22,2002,11:48   Archive
I started with Appraxia in 1998 and received Botox every three to four months. Very painful especially after four surgeries on my eyes. In April of 2000 I developed Cervical Dysyonia and started getting Myobloc shots close to the base of my skull. They started off with 10,000 units, that helped a little then the next time he gave me 15,000 units. At that time I started having problems breathing. I had a real problem keeping my chin up off my chest. I have to hold my head up with my hand on my forehead and needless to say it driving me batty. I went to Dr. Dutton in Nov of 2001 and he injected my eyes as well as injected myobloc in my neck. The jerking has almost stopped but my breathing problem has gotten worse. Has anyone else out there went thru this experience and is it caused by the Myobloc?I also have to go March 5 and have my rods and slings adjusted . I sure hope that will help my eyelids stays open. Again have any of you gone thru this and would you let them do this adjusting. I have read a lot of pros and cons about this procedure. Thanks for any help you can give me. Just reading your replies and knowing I am not alone helps me.. Sue from the beautiful mountains of NC.

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