Welcome to the Bulletin Board ...

Posted by Moderator-JB ® , Feb 25,2002,20:24   Archive
For Newcomers, and old alike, WELCOME to the great world of communication with others who, just like you have Blepharospasm, Meige or Hemi-Facial Spasm....imagine all of this from the comfort of your own armchair. Can't drive? - here you don't need to.

For those of you I've not had the pleasure of talking with, my name is Judy Blackman and I'm your Moderator. To let you know that I usually do understand from whence you speak, I have had Blepharospasm for 5 years. Also along the line I've picked up Meige and ST (Cervical Dystonia)plus a few other generalized spasms to keep me from being bored :)

This condition can be worked with. Keep your spirits up and when you don't know what to do, REACH OUT. We all have days when we'd like to crawl under the covers and hibernate. When one of those times comes your way, post on the board or privately e-mail someone here you might feel comfortable sharing with.

Think no one else cares or understands what is happening to you? We do.

Think you can't do any of the things you used to? So do something new. I'd never touched a digital camera until AFTER I got BEB. I'd never rescued dogs until ... AFTER BEB. Try something new, you'll do better for it. I'd also never used a bulletin board until AFTER BEB.

Family and friends often do not know what to do with regard to our condition. Just be yourself and they will come around.

Have a lovely evening and better eye day tomorrow.

Judy Blackman/55/Washington State

--modified by Moderator-JB at Mon, Feb 25, 2002, 20:38:09

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