Phil McGraw

Posted by Joanne Matuzas ® , Mar 02,2002,14:49   Archive
I generally to not get involved with discussions about celebrities--but since a recent discussion about Dave Letterman and the possibility he has BEB, I noticed Dr. Phil McGraw whose book "Self Matters" appears both on Oprah and recently Larry King. Upon watching him closely, I noticed he does blink as one with BEB and wondered if anyone else has seen and noticed this. Maybe he just has a tic or something but it's definately not a normal blink. Looks to me like a possible botox recipient. Any input? Joanne M. San Diego, CA

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Re: Phil McGraw

Re : Phil McGraw --- Joanne Matuzas
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 04,2002,05:51 Top of Thread Archive
I didn't know about the posibility of Dave Letterman having beb, Joanne - next time I'm up that late (:-)) I'll check him out! I haven't noticed Phil McGraw blinking though. Do you think it might just be from the strong camera lights?
You might not have heard of Mike Bullard - a Canadian talk-show host - he blinks like crazy. Our past Dystonia support group president sent him a kind note and a business card about it, but he didn't reply.

June in Toronto. Thought for the day: Why do "fat chance"and "slim chance" mean the same thing?

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