Memory, or lack thereof ...

Posted by Moderator-JB ® , Mar 09,2002,18:34   Archive
Please describe if you have memory problems and whether you are taking medications that may add to the problem.


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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Moderator-JB
Posted by dianne beavers ® (dianne Beavers,dianne beavers), Mar 09,2002,19:49 Top of Thread Archive
I have noticed some memory loss or something of the likes. I am have difficulties coming up with the right words when I'm talking. I know what I want to say but can't remember the word for it. Does this make sense? I'm on no medications at the moment except for Toprol and botox injections 2 weeks ago.

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Joann Humphrey ® , Mar 09,2002,20:38 Top of Thread Archive
I'm a little slow coming up with what I want to say at times. Medication I'm on is clonazapam. Don't feel I have loss of memory though. I do make lots of notes which I depend on.
Joann in Ark where it was sunny, cold & windy today.

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Moderator-JB
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 10,2002,05:36 Top of Thread Archive
Have missed theatre tickets because I forgot recently (first time ever), also got confused with upcoming events (cancelled a doctor's appointment becuse I thought it conflicted, then found out it didn't). Its not just memory loss, its blurred vision and not being able to see properly what with beb, filming of the eyes, and beginnings of cataracts and all the drops/creams I use for lack of moisture. We've talked about this before - believe hearing is affected because brain is trying to get the eyes to see, now brain is affected because of all this:-) I don't take any medication although I think I may have to soon.

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Re: Memory, or lack thereof ... --- June in Toronto
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Mar 10,2002,19:50 Top of Thread Archive
Oh YES to all these problems, June. I was nodding my head as I read each one: blurriness, etc. I don't take anything for BEB other than the Botox injections every two months, but do take a heap of pills for other problems. And, yest, I do have memory lapses. My hearing loss is getting worse and I blame part of the problem on the fact that I can't see, so can no longer lip read.

Sally in North Idaho BEB/Meige

--modified by Sally - in - Idaho at Sun, Mar 10, 2002, 19:51:43

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Shanasy in IL ® , Mar 10,2002,10:14 Top of Thread Archive
I've certainly had memory problems being on Artane. Can't remember the subject of the conversation in the middle of it and often have to ask "What were we talking about?"

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Re: Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Shanasy in IL
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Mar 10,2002,13:30 Top of Thread Archive
I also have trouble finding the right word.
I live with postets--on the back door, car horn, TV and purse.
The other day I couldn't find the "b" on the keyboard. Ann Doyle

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Moderator-JB
Posted by MaryNY ® , Mar 10,2002,19:25 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Judy - YES, I certainly do. I'm sure that age has something to do with it, also a very busy family life; most importantly I think it's the meds,,,clonazepam, I guess. At the moment, it gets kinda funny around here. My 88 yr. old mother is living with us now, and HER memory is pretty bad. Not gone - we laugh about it a lot. She repeats herself and forgets things a LOT and says, "Well, you know when you get to be 88, you begin to lose your memory." And my reply is "I can tell you when it starts!" She's a sweetheart, and I'm a lucky "girl". Mary

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Re: Memory, or lack thereof ...

Re : Memory, or lack thereof ... --- Moderator-JB
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Mar 10,2002,19:39 Top of Thread Archive
I have had some degree of short term memory problems for many years. Well before BEB. I'd say that it was minimal,though. Different medications that I have tried for BEB definitely made this worse. Artane being the worst. Higher doses of Klonopin will do the same but doesn't seem to be a problem for me on .25mg twice a day.

I also blame a lot of memory problems the past three years on my concentration level on the BEB. When one is preoccupied with trying to get and keep their eyes open, one misses a lot. When my eyes are really bad, I miss lots of things that are done and said. I frequently ask family members to repeat something and there is nothing wrong with my hearing.

Shirley in Arkansas BEB/Apraxia

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