hey from nc

Posted by dianne beavers ® (dianne Beavers,dianne beavers), Mar 12,2002,20:57   Archive
Hey everyone!
I'm exhausted tonight. Work is really starting to get to me. Can't see the children half of the time and I'm starting to resent some of the looks I get at times. My 9 yearold started division today. He has sensory intergration dysfunction,adhd and ld in written language. Homework can really be stressful at times for us both. He''s a great kid and a sweetie too. I just wish I could be of more help to him right now. Weather forcasts says 70 degrees this week. I hope so. I'm still trying to conquer the house if it doesn't conquer me first. I want to get in my yard and work some this weekend. Can hardly wait.
Talk with you all later.

Dianne from NC

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Re: hey from Toronto

Re : hey from nc --- dianne beavers
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 13,2002,05:29 Top of Thread Archive
Hey from Toronto -- hope you get into your yard to work this weekend Dianne, that should help your stress levels - at least its better than housework! You have your hands full with your job and your son - he does sound a `sweetie' - enjoy him they grow up so quickly (my `baby' is 33 I can hardly believe it)! Take care

June in Toronto (beb/meige) who is going to see the Canada Blooms show today - it covers the equivalent of 3 1/2 fields, over 30 gardens with meandering pathways, uses over 1400 tons of sand to form the base, mulch to a depth of 10 centimeters, amd more than 50,000 tulips, hyacinths, amaryllis, daffodils, paper whites, crocuses, and lilies are forced into early bloom. The event takes 6 1/2 days to set up and 2 1/2 days to dismantle - its held in the `boon docks' of a convention centre and its AMAZING.

--modified by June in Toronto at Wed, Mar 13, 2002, 05:30:30

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Re: hey from nc

Re : hey from nc --- dianne beavers
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Mar 13,2002,14:35 Top of Thread Archive
Dianne, Do the people that you work with know about and understand what is going on with you with the Blepharospasm? If not, you might get ask the BEBRF to send you some of the blue booklets "Benign Essential Blepharospasm, Meige and other Related Disorders" or the yellow pamphlet "Blind but with perfect vision" to hand out to them. They may not really want to hear all about it but if they glance over the brochures they might get the general idea that it is not contagious and you aren't going to die from it but that it will be making your eyes and face do funny things. One of them might actually even read the whole thing and then talk to others about you and the disorder(you know how people like to gossip) and then they might hopefully ask you more about it and you can teach them about BEB when they are ready to hear it.

My youngest son, who is now 18, is/was ADHD, OCD and hypersensitive to sounds, tastes and clothing. I can relate to the stress level that goes with that. It's a very long road. Consistency does eventually pay off. You learn to pick your battles and do what is best for your child and try to maintain the family's sanity along the way. My guy is very kind and sweet, too and a big ole teddy bear.

Shirley in Arkansas

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