The red "more" after Ann's post

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Mar 13,2002,13:48   Archive
Sally, under Ann D's post: Original Message --- ( Mar 12, 21:31, 2002 ) more
This has happened several times before. I'm not sure why it happens. Bob or Judy might know and respond. If you open up the post that has the red "More" after it and scroll down, you will see where others have posted (you were one of them). You can open them up and read the post from that location but when you go back to the current page, you will not see these additional posts. The only way that you will be able to read any of these additional posts is if you open up the post with the "more" after it and open them from there.

Shirley in Arkansas where it is a beautiful, sunshiny day.

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