Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight?

Posted by Carol Brown ® , Mar 13,2002,19:35   Archive
Hi Everyone!

We are watching the news on Channel 7. They just had a report on using botox for back pain. The news reporter after talking about this for some time, said "Botox was first made famous as a wrinkle removing remedy". That really got me. That isn't true at all, is it? Why doesn't anyone ever talk about dystonia? I'm not 100% sure about this, but when they started using botox, I don't think it was for wrinkles. What do you think?

Carol Brown, Naselle, WA

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Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight?

Re : Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- Carol Brown
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Mar 14,2002,00:08 Top of Thread Archive
I thought it was first used for crossed eyes ... can't think of the proper word tonight (maybe something like strabismus?).

Sally in North Idaho who has earned her wrinkles.

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Re : Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- Carol Brown
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 14,2002,02:19 Top of Thread Archive
Sally is correct, Carol, the ORIGINAL USE of Botox (by Dr.Alan Scott - an ophthalmologist) was for STRABISMUS (cross eyes). He wasn't a manufacturer so Allergan took it over. Perhaps, as you saw the Channel 7 news, you could e-mail them and tell them about ALL the medical usages for Botox (all Dystonias, Stroke Victims, Migraines) - perhaps others can fill you in. The use of Botox for cosmetic use came later.

June in Toronto where its only 3 am and I really can't think straight, I just wish my time clock would sort itself out!

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Re : Re: ORIGINAL USE OF BOTOX --- June in Toronto
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Mar 14,2002,09:24 Top of Thread Archive
How do they use it for stroke victims?
i have been sleeping til 6or 7 now for about 2 weeks. I finally feel a bot more energetic today. i feel for you withthat waking up in the middle of the night, it's exhausting! You're not doing your yoga at night , are you? Exercise in the evening can sometimes upset the metabolism and make you too energized to sleep well.

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Re : Re: ORIGINAL USE OF BOTOX/June --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by Virginia ® , Mar 14,2002,09:39 Top of Thread Archive
You all inspired me to try out that yoga tape that has been gathering dust beside my VCR. I did it right before I went to bed last night and slept great. The tape is a beginner's version and has a relaxing session at the end. I agree that it might not be ideal to do it at 11 at night, but sometimes I have to do things when I have time and am in the mood.

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Re: Yoga

Re : Yoga --- Virginia
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Mar 14,2002,12:36 Top of Thread Archive
No wonder my yoga tape didn't help me. Evidently you have to take it out of the box, put it in the VCR and watch it. Next thing you know you'll be telling me I have to do what that lady is doing. Ann Doyle

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Re: Yoga

Re : Re: Yoga --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Virginia ® , Mar 14,2002,14:19 Top of Thread Archive
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do what that lady was doing. But I guess you have to try. Then again, it all depends on what you hope to accomplish. Just watching and listening was pretty relaxing. I did chuckle when she kept referring to my "sitting bones." That was a new euphemism for me.

Virginia in AL

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Re: Yoga/Virginia

Re : Re: Yoga --- Virginia
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Mar 15,2002,05:54 Top of Thread Archive
Which one did you do?

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Re: Yoga/Virginia

Re : Re: Yoga/Virginia --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by Virginia ® , Mar 15,2002,08:51 Top of Thread Archive
It was just a random choice - I didn't know what I was looking for. I've had it for a while - just now got around to doing it. It's called Yoga Journal's Yoga for beginners. It comes with a booklet. It's fairly long. I like the idea of several shorter tapes.

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Re: Yoga/Virginia and anyone interested

Re : Re: Yoga/Virginia --- Virginia
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Mar 16,2002,07:09 Top of Thread Archive
I do too.I still can't decide which one or ones to get from the gaiam site. The one i was doing i could just not do the poses that are too stressful on the joints. Also, several yoga videos were mentioned on the news; Total Yoga and Yoga for Dummies. I have to have someone help me with the site Mary indicated, ( i wanted to get a brief overview of how the positions were done), but i think they would be too small on the computer to see well enough to actually do.

--modified by Kathy in Atlanta at Sat, Mar 16, 2002, 07:11:44

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Re: Yoga/Virginia and anyone interested

Re : Re: Yoga/Virginia and anyone interested --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by Ann Doyle ® , Mar 16,2002,07:26 Top of Thread Archive
Kathy, you can get yoga videos from the library and try them out until you find one you like or rent them from a video store and have variety. Ann Doyle

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Re: Yoga

Re : Yoga --- Virginia
Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , Mar 14,2002,18:47 Top of Thread Archive
I actually did the seated forward bend today for the first time. I was able to lay my entire body flat on my legs and "rest my forehead peacefully" (well, maybe not peacefully, but I got it there). Now, the question still remains - will I be able to walk tomorrow?!

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Re: Yoga

Re : Re: Yoga --- Kelly Saffell
Posted by Virginia ® , Mar 14,2002,22:56 Top of Thread Archive
Good for you. For a 50+ year old, I'm fairly flexible, but some of those poses are going to take some serious practice. I was surprised that I wasn't very sore today. I think I'm going to like it.

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Re: Yoga

Re : Yoga --- Virginia
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 15,2002,11:24 Top of Thread Archive
I discussed with our leader prior to my class today, that I find, so far, that yoga is a roller coaster ride for me. When I first started I felt nauseous for about 3 classes (then found if I didn't eat for at least 3 hours before and only drank 1/2 hour before class it helped). Then I would feel so very exhausted after classes for about another 3 weeks. After that I felt full of energy for a few weeks. This past week I've been waking up at 2 and 4 am so its completely mixed up. The leader said others had told him the same thing - I guess we are getting rid of toxins (the eastern thinking) and our body is realigning, so all this roller coaster ride is possible.

June in Toronto (beb/meige) who fels really good after this morning's yoga class.

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Re : Re: ORIGINAL USE OF BOTOX/June --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 14,2002,09:43 Top of Thread Archive
There's a whole list, Kathy, of medical uses for Botox - I can't find it right now (not organized - blame it on my sleep pattern of late), and I don't know how they use it for each disease/condition.

I do most of my exercises in the morning - only one yoga class per week at 7.30 pm (and I missed it this week as I was so exhausted). I go through this sleeplessness every so often - it will pass - if I live that long:-). Enjoy your better energy level today.

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re : Re: ORIGINAL USE OF BOTOX --- June in Toronto
Posted by Carol Brown ® , Mar 14,2002,09:45 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks June for the information -- I didn't ever know that before, but I certainly knew it wasn't used for cosmetic purposes at first. I really feel like e-mailing channel 7 news, but can't find their e-mail address. Does anyone know it?

Carol Brown, Naselle, WA, where this bad weather is getting on the last nerve I have left.

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Botox use

Re : Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- Carol Brown
Posted by Virginia ® , Mar 14,2002,08:48 Top of Thread Archive
I think Sally is right about the first use, but it seems the key words in your post, Carol, are "made famous." I think we can all attest to the publicity that it has received as a wrinkle remover and the lack of publicity it has received for more worthwhile purposes (worthwhile being my choice of words).

Virginia in AL

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Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight?

Re : Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- Carol Brown
Posted by Andrew Nagle ® , Mar 15,2002,05:55 Top of Thread Archive
Here in the UK Botox has been in the news constantly for the last 5 or 6 months as middle aged men and women are using it as a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles around the eyes and forehead.
Some high profile celebraties have admitted using it and groups of women organise botox parties and share the cost.
Obviously this not what it was developed for but it is certainly best known for wrinkle treatment.

Andrew in Sheffield, England

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Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight?

Re : Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- Andrew Nagle
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Mar 15,2002,10:50 Top of Thread Archive
The get-rid-of-wrinkles trend is really spreading. Isn't it too bad that some people have too much money and have to entertain themselves with Botox parties???

Sally in North Idaho who is grateful that we who actually need it do have Botox available.

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Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight?

Re : Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- Andrew Nagle
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 15,2002,11:29 Top of Thread Archive
Yes, Andrew, we've been having lots of articles in newspapers and magazines (and at health shows) about botox for cosmetic purposes in North America. Many of us on this bulletin board have been e-mailing the columnists asking them to do articles on the medical use of botox. One of our posters, Alain Phair, got his comments published recently in the Washington Post. I would encourage you to do the same in the U.K. as we need all the awareness we can get. Cheers.

June in Toronto who was born in London, U.K.and came here in 1960. (beb/meige)

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Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight?

Re : Re: Did You See Channel 7 News Tomight? --- June in Toronto
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Mar 16,2002,07:15 Top of Thread Archive
Wouldn't it be interesting if someone with BEB actually went to one of these parties and the rest of them could actually see , at the time for injections, what we go through and why?!

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