
Posted by Sheila May Hawkins ® , Mar 23,2002,14:39   Archive
I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome, and the information on the myectomy surgery. It's comforting to know you are not alone and you have someone to talk to that understands what you are going through.I have several questions to ask that I know you guys will be able to help me with. I was finally diagnosed with blepharospasms, after going to different doctors for about 7 years. They all told me I had dry eyes and one doctor told me, just don't blink. You can imagine what I wanted to tell him! I finally found a doctor that knew what was wrong and sent me to a neurologist. He precribed Klonopin and I take Botox shots every three months. I seem to get along fine , but when it gets time for my Botox and my eyes are getting worse I get desperate and start looking for more information. Maybe by sharing information we can stumble upon something that would help us all. Thanks again for the warm welcome, hope to hear from you again.
Sheila May Hawkins in Southern Idaho

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Re: Myectomy

Re : Myectomy --- Sheila May Hawkins
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 23,2002,15:01 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Sheila May, I'm glad you got such a warm welcome - it makes all the difference.
One of the things I forgot to do before my last round of botox injections was to build up the zinc levels in mybody. The one and only BEBRF conference I attended back in 1995 or 96, one of the doctors there said to take more zinc before (2-3 weeks before) and after the injections as it definitely helped to process the botox better. As there are over 300 enzyme systems in the body that require zinc, it might be a valid point. I think we need 15-60 mg of zinc daily to improve the immune system's antibacterial ability, for instance. This time I forgot and the botox hasn't taken as well - I don't know if its the lack of zinc or not. I already have a reminder in place to take the zinc next time around! Take care

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re: Zinc before Botox

Re : Re: Myectomy --- June in Toronto
Posted by Tim Johnson-PA-USA ® , Mar 26,2002,13:28 Top of Thread Archive
June, I had never heard this before, that you should take increased amounts of Zinc before and after Botox. Is there any documented information about this? What form of Zinc and what dosage?
Tim in PA where we are getting some much needed rain.

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Re: Zinc before Botox

Re : Re: Zinc before Botox --- Tim Johnson-PA-USA
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Mar 26,2002,15:14 Top of Thread Archive
Tim, I looked over my not-very good notes from that way-back-when BEBRF conference (I'd only been diagnosed with beb for a short while and everything was so new to me) and didn't come up with the Doctor's name or the amount of zinc. But the recommended daily zinc amount is 30-60 mg - so I calculate what zinc is in my multi vitamins and anti-oxidants and take the extra amount up to 60 mg. I usually do this faithfully before and after my botox injections - but this time around I totally forgot. The botox hasn't worked as well this time - whether its due to the zinc or not I don't know for sure. I found what the doctor said at the conference (even though it was my first one for beb) to be so alternative-medicine, that my ears really perked up.

I don't know of (never investigated) any documented information on this nor do I know what form of zinc you should take - perhaps I'll try and do some research on it, some day, some time - when I feel better. Hope this helps, Tim. Best wishes

June in Toronto(beb/meige) where it is snowing today - March going out like a lion!

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Re: Myectomy

Re : Myectomy --- Sheila May Hawkins
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Mar 23,2002,15:07 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Sheila.
If you get along fine most of the time, I don't feel that you need to have any surgery done. You might consider talking to your doctor about getting your BOTOX more often than every 3 months. Some doctors will give it as often as every 6 to 8 weeks. It is better to space them out as far apart as you can but if you are miserable that last couple of weeks, I'd certainly talk to your doctor about getting them a little more often. Everybody is a little different in how long the BOTOX is actually effective. Your injections, one to two weeks earlier, might be all that you need to keep you going along just fine for years to come.

Let us keep hearing from you and ask whatever you like.

Shirley in Arkansas

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