Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Posted by Kathleen Bowers ® , Mar 25,2002,11:45   Archive
Let us shout for joy, my BEB friends...rejoice...let us burstinto song. While our eyes are open, look up unto the hills (Blue Ridge of the Carolinas, the Highlands of Scotland) O mountains! (what ever close). There is comfort. (My first experience, Lidoderm patch 5%, where nerve endings find no complete peace, 12 hour limit but comfort. Getting back into those wonderful nylons once again may require a fresh patch while I rush out for Easter celebration of worship.)

There is more. Compassion for "affliced ones" or as someone said dis-eased. Reading this today in Isaiah 49:13 NIV. Immediately thought of the charming South Carolina Rogers MD. His sscars about the head...missing top of one ear...hands revealing graphed makeover, yet compassion comes so naturally...his quiet thoughtful presence, kind observvant eyes give strength to his Charlestonian voice...Like the Apostle Paul I believe my doctor knows about sufferings, hardships.. perhaps depression and has lived to tell this BEB in Pickens County...."I've been there and you will be all right!"

Now Kitty forget the scars ..how?..where? ..when?..why? It's not really important. 2 Cor. 1:3-5 NIV. Does not singing exercise those muscles that need to be strong for swallow-er-ing, or what ? The warm temperatures back, the robins burst forth in song as naturally as does the MD.

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Kathleen Bowers
Posted by Evelyn ® , Mar 25,2002,18:58 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Kitty,
I enjoy your poetic way of expressing yourself.

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Kathleen Bowers
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Mar 26,2002,00:19 Top of Thread Archive
Yes! Singing does relieve the Blinks from time to time. I love singing and when I used to drive (pre-Botox) I sang as much as possible. Singing is one of the things that pumps adrenalin into the system -- neat trick, huh?

Have fun!

--- Lynn

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Alan Phair ® , Mar 27,2002,13:15 Top of Thread Archive
Not if you have a voice like mine it doesn't. Only kidding but no one likes to be around me if I try and sing. My wife is the opposite and does a lot of singing in weddings, funerals etc so my bad voice really stands out if I try and sing with her. I did try singing when I was driving alone but that did not help me. I have heard that it has helped a lot of people as have other means of distraction to help keep the eyes open. Whatever works is all the maters...Alan

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Alan Phair
Posted by Kathleen Bowers ® , Mar 28,2002,09:33 Top of Thread Archive
First, Mary in NY...My friend Marian who started singing when she was about 3 (she says)was looking over my shoulder when we together read your reply and she made note of your meaningful statemen. I've been seeing you and your Grandmother in my mind's eyes and finding myself treading on holy grounds with you...While my son was at Indian Point #3 my husband and I saw that tremendous organ and read about its history there at West Point Cathedral. Two guys were at the organ...maintenance or something...but the sound was unforgettable. My husband sang the ole classicals, and charmed me with tunes like "It was like a masquerade ball with customs and all when...Til the End of Time...". after we married he became music director and loved all the old Methodist hymns.
Yes, Alan. One of the few BEBs around here is the retired educator of our school system. He had a back ground of singing-weddings, whatever the occasion....My doctor told me Craig wanted me to call....sure enough BEB--surgery locally, but back to base one afterwards...diving was difficult to give up, but when their son married in Fla. he was there and sang at his best...Came back and said "No one detected my affliction..."He was estatic with excitement. I have tried the church choir. Found that such an acheivement...liked belonging to a group that could add much to the worship...concentration for me turns on or releases ..crazy, let us all keep singing and make melody in our hearts this joyous and blessed time of celebration....Kitty preparing for luncheon guests...in SC

--modified by Kathleen Bowers at Thu, Mar 28, 2002, 09:37:00

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Lynn Yarbrough ® , Mar 28,2002,11:11 Top of Thread Archive
BTW, some people think that the anagrams of our names are reflections of personal traits -- "yarbrough" rearranges to "rough bray", which is a commentary on my singing voice. :-)

--- Lynn

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Lynn Yarbrough
Posted by Virginia ® , Mar 28,2002,15:36 Top of Thread Archive
I suppose I could rearrange mine to make "hurts" which is what you lead me to believe would be how I'd feel listening to you sing.

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Re: Burst into song; sensory trick ?

Re : Burst into song; sensory trick ? --- Kathleen Bowers
Posted by MaryNY ® , Mar 26,2002,21:52 Top of Thread Archive
OH, if I only could! As I have mentioned before, in my previous life (before BEB) I was a SINGER! And especially this Holy Week...My grandmother was the organist, and I was the soloist. I spent most of my time in the choir loft! But I think I am developing Dysphonia-I can't sing at all now. And, of course, "to sing is to pray twice". Mary

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