Hi Carol. I use the generic form which is diphenhydramine hydrochloride. You can get it very inexpensively at many drug and discount stores. The container will list the active ingredients and you just want to make sure that you get the above named ingredient only. Benadryl puts out different ones with decongestants and analgesics etc, in the different preparations and you don't need those. Just plain Benadryl which is diphenhydramine hydrochloride only. It usually comes in 25mg capsules, tablets or caplets.
If you are not used to it, be aware that it can make you very sleepy and groggy. It can also make your mouth very dry and your eyes dryer. Read the warning labels. You might want to check with your doctor about taking it especially if you are taking other medications.I also knew right away that it helped. It wasn't something that I had to build up in my system. I took it and my eyes were easier to open and the squeezing was reduced within an hour. It did make me sleepy at first but if I was up and moving around that wasn't too much of a problem. Initially, though, if I sat down, I became very sleepy.
Some people it helps and others don't benefit from it. Let us know how it goes.
Shirley in Arkansas
Hi Carol...
I use the generic Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (the active ingredient in the Brand name Benedryl). I take 1 capsule (25mg) in the morning, 1 after lunch and 1 after supper. It has always helped me. I do not take any other meds., so I would check with your Dr. if you do. I asked my family Dr. if there was any harm in taking it every day - his response was "No, only you might build up an immunity to it - and someday if I got stung with a bee and they gave me Benedryl - it might not help. I said I would have to worry about that if and when that day came!!
It makes some people sleepy, but like Shirley said, "if I keep going
it does not have that effect on me" - However, I certainly think it helps me sleep at night - I rarely hear my husband SNORING any more.!!
Good Luck!Nancy from NE PA. where Spring has Sprung!!!