Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS

Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Apr 16,2002,16:07   Archive
Cnn headline news had a segment this morning on botox being fda approved, They DID mention that it was also used for severe muscle spasms. Also for cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. Is anyone familiar with this?? Are these muscle disorders part of the dystonic category or completely seperate on there own??

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Re: Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS

Re : Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by pippa ® (Pippa,pippa), Apr 16,2002,17:03 Top of Thread Archive
My daughter is an Orthotist and Prosthetist. When working as an Orthotist she has to cast limbs of patients with Cerebal Palsy etc to make splints to help to straighten them etc. So apparently Botox is used to loosen the spasm so that the limb can be as straight as possible when they do a cast for it. Those patients are also affected like us by stress and just going into hospital for this can trigger off very tight spasms. I am not sure how long the Orthotist has to wait for the Botox to take effect though. And am still not able to answer your question about whether or not it is a form of Dystonia. I don't think so though, but I am no expert.
Pippa..proud of her daughter. And her son too! (just in case he reads this!)

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Re: Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS

Re : Re: Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS --- pippa
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Apr 17,2002,13:00 Top of Thread Archive
Thank you , Pippa. I had no idea these patients also received botox to help their spasms? I hope more people will post on this subject to enlighten us.

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Re: Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS

Re : Re: Botox, additional uses..cerebral palsy and MS --- pippa
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 17,2002,17:27 Top of Thread Archive
What a rewarding occupation for your daughter. Interesting, also. You should be proud-of both son and daughter(in case he is reading) :-)

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