Re: TWIRLING/Swinging

Re : Re: TWIRLING/Swinging --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Ann Doyle ® (Ann Doyle,bH), Apr 21,2002,15:56   Archive
Thanks for the caustic comment . to be chastized by Shirley means you are one of the group. This is my first and I fianlly feel like I belong. I am no longer an outsider with my nose against the window trying to get in. You made my day Shirley. I know, just because I have a nose like a banana, I shouldn't think I am one of the bunch.
Ann Dooyle. I'll spellmy name anyway I want to . See what you have done to me.

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Re: TWIRLING/Swinging

Re : Re: TWIRLING/Swinging --- Ann Doyle
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 21,2002,16:23 Top of Thread Archive
Boy, is that a relief! I hate for anybody to feel like an outsider. I doubt that everyone wants me to give them a hard time, though. I'm sure that some cringe at the thought.
I'll try to pick on you a little more often, Ann, if it will make you feel better.
Now, go eat your potassium filled bananas and don't let your nose get all bent out of shape again.

Shirley who has a cat trying to help her type this.

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