
Posted by melissal ® , Apr 23,2002,14:30   Archive
do any of you smoke? have you seen any difference in the frequency of the spasms? I read somewhere that nicotine diminishes the frequency of motor spasms.

Thank you for any info on this


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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Nicotine. --- melissal
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 23,2002,16:42 Top of Thread Archive
I have never smoked and never lived with smokers where I would inhale second hand smoke. (just worked around people who smoked in the past)
Most smokers will tell you that it has a calming or relaxing influence on them. Possibly this might contribute to the lessening of spasms. I'm not sure if a non-smoker could light up and have the decreased motor spasms. Interesting concept if the nicotine itself actually diminishes frequency of motor spasms.
Even if it did help, that would be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The dystonia bb is talking about this right now, too.
I can't imagine anyone that had the breathing difficulties with this, actually smoking, too.

Shirley in Arkansas-no nicotine for this mother chook-I've got enough problems without adding to them.

Several years ago while at a local fast food restaurant, I saw a lady with an oxygen tank with nasal cannula on, take a puff off her inhaler and then put it down and pick up her cigarette and continue smoking. Addictions are nasty animals.

--modified by Shirley-Arkansas-USA at Tue, Apr 23, 2002, 16:43:46

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by melissal ® , Apr 24,2002,07:55 Top of Thread Archive
actually, even though I said smoking, I read that nicotine patches (that will not cause addiction) can help diminish the spasms. But has bad side effects like nausea and vomiting.

However there are studies that say it works, and very well. Researchers are using it to develop a new nicotine-like medicine for spasms. I was checking under "tics"+"nicotine".

I went to the neurologist yesterday and he put me on Clonazepam. First time taking it today and seems to help. I joked with him that I read that nicotine worked also and that I was thinking of becoming a smoker, and he said that it is true that it works, but is not the treatment for aything (too many damaging consedcuenses).


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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- melissal
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 24,2002,10:15 Top of Thread Archive
Melissal, Nicotine in any form is addicting. It is the ingredient in the cigarettes that make them so addicting. The patches are generally used to slowly lower the level of nicotine in your body so that you can stop smoking and then you have to "slowly" get off the nicotine patches by using a patch with a lower dose of nicotine in it.
Your neurologist is right-it may work but at what sacrifice?

I copied the below off of the Rx List. com site:

The cardiovascular effects of nicotine include peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia, and elevated blood pressure. Acute and chronic tolerance to nicotine develops from smoking tobacco or ingesting nicotine preparations. Acute tolerance (a reduction in response for a given dose) develops rapidly (less than 1 hour), but not at the same rate for different physiologic effects (skin temperature, heart rate, subjective effects). Withdrawal symptoms such as cigarette craving can be reduced in most individuals by plasma nicotine levels lower than those from smoking. Withdrawal from nicotine in addicted individuals can be characterized by craving, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, mood lability, anxiety, drowsiness, sleep disturbances, impaired concentration, increased appetite, minor somatic complaints (headache, myalgia, constipation, fatigue), and weight gain. Nicotine toxicity is characterized by nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, diaphoresis, flushing, dizziness, disturbed hearing and vision, confusion, weakness, palpitations, altered respiration and hypotension.

Shirley in Arkansas

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Apr 24,2002,12:38 Top of Thread Archive
I agree with you Mother Chook - have lost 2 friends this week - both misused their bodies (not saying I don't, but I do try not to in general). One friend had a lung removed due to cancer and nicotine - he continued smoking...what can a person say/do? The ad on tv where a lady talks about not smoking and then places a cigarette in her throat says it all as well.

June in Toronto who has enough problems, as well, without starting to smoke!

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Nicotine. --- melissal
Posted by debbie campbell ® , Apr 24,2002,11:30 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Melissa,
I admit it. I do smoke however I couldn't really say if this helps the "spasms"?????
I had quite about 9 years ago by using the smoking patch and it work instantly. I didn't have another cig after the moment I put it on. I quit for about 7 years. I now regret to say however I began smoking again about the 2 years ago and have been smoking ever since. Coincidently this was about the time I started experiencing dry, irritated eyes and blinking more frequently.Through the 2 years my eyes very slowly progressed to the state they are today. My friends had wondered if I had developed an allergy to the smoke??? I had read that smoking could possibly be one of the things that could 'trigger' the onset of BEB?? As anyone read this or heard of it. As I said in an earlier posting, I don't experience 'twitching' or feel any spasms at all nor do I have the squeezing of my eyes closing, they just aways close involentarily, so I don't know if the BEB is effected by the smoking or not? I thought that smoking would aggrivate the BEB so I was thinking of quiting again! 2 cents for what it's worth. Today is sunny and I have taken a 'mental health' just for me to relax and try to get caught on things. It so far hasn't been too relaxing since I have been communicating via email all morning! I best get out and enjoy the day.

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Re: Nicotine/Debbie.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- debbie campbell
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Apr 24,2002,12:45 Top of Thread Archive
Yes get out and enjoy the day, Debbie. If London is anything like Toronto its gonna be cold and wet tomorrow! I've never heard of smoking causing beb - I've never smoked and I have the disease, but then gain I've been around smokers at work year's ago. I can visualize the smoke billowing up to a smoker's eyes, see them squinting (they do) and, being an orifice, the eyes would take in the smoke and cause more damage, as it does in the lungs. Just my thoughts on the subject though. It must be so...difficult to quit smoking for ever. Take care

June in Toronto (beb/meige) who would like to try a marijuana cookie - not smoke a joint, but eat it for the pain sometimes (I love eating):-) I wouldn't know where to go to get this, and most probably wouldn't do it anyway - just dreaming.

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Re: Nicotine/Debbie.

Re : Re: Nicotine/Debbie. --- June in Toronto
Posted by catherine pender ® , Apr 24,2002,23:13 Top of Thread Archive

I'm with you. Would love the cookies but am currently on Weight Watchers. I wonder how many points a marijuana cookie is worth?

Catherine who was much to much a prude when I was young and feel I missed out of some things

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Re: Nicotine/Catherine.

Re : Re: Nicotine/Debbie. --- catherine pender
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Apr 25,2002,11:06 Top of Thread Archive
I think we'd be feeling so good, Catherine, we wouldn't worry about the calories in the cookie:-)

June in Toronto (beb/meige)

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Re: Nicotine/Debbie./june

Re : Re: Nicotine/Debbie. --- June in Toronto
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Apr 25,2002,08:29 Top of Thread Archive
I would too! We all do appreciate honesty here. I wouldn't know where to get it either and worry about some of those insecticide sprays contaminating it. we all know by now that quite a few of us experinece more than a little pain.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- debbie campbell
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 24,2002,16:49 Top of Thread Archive
Debbie, you can definitely be allergic to cigarette smoke. The smoke can also just be very irritating to your eyes. With your history of when your BEB symptoms started, it would be worth a trial of not smoking or being around any smoke to see if your symptoms improved. You could go back and use the nicotine patch for that duration of time so as not to go "bonkers" or better yet, while you are on the patch, go ahead and decrease it and quit again.
I would be really curious to know if it would help. Do it for the sake of a scientific (kinda) experiment.

I hope that you enjoyed your mental health day. Aren't they great?

Shirley in Arkansas

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by debbie campbell ® , Apr 24,2002,19:45 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Shirley,
Perhaps I will give it a try to see what happens. It would be interesting to see if I notice any difference.
The mental health day was great. The weather was sunny but a little cool. I was able to get my windows washed and do a bit of shopping. It was a much needed rest from the regular work week.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Nicotine. --- melissal
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Apr 25,2002,08:31 Top of Thread Archive
I drink , smoke and do the hoochiecoo. lol!

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Re: Hoochiecoo?

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 25,2002,09:36 Top of Thread Archive
I haven't heard that term in ages. You ARE a wild woman! Don't deny it, now. :-) All your "secrets" are slipping out.
I'm not even sure I know exactly what the "hochiecoo" even is? Could we get a working definition?

Shirley in Arkansas

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Re: Hoochiecoo?

Re : Re: Hoochiecoo? --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Pippa ® , Apr 25,2002,16:06 Top of Thread Archive
yes Kathy, you've managed it again with your marvellous words! I do use the term myself...but i don't really know what it means either. Sounds good though, eh?
Pippa.... ;)

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?

Re : Re: Hoochiecoo? --- Pippa
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Apr 25,2002,16:54 Top of Thread Archive
Remember the song "you put your left leg out, you put your left leg out, in out and shake it roundabout, you do the hoochicoochi and you turn around, that's what its all about...oh the hoochicoochi....etc."

June in Toronto

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/June

Re : Re: Hoochiecoochi? --- June in Toronto
Posted by Nancy Williams ® , Apr 25,2002,19:57 Top of Thread Archive
I hate to disappoint you ...... but the little ditty that the kids used to do is THE HOKEY POKEY....put your left leg in, put your left leg out........... And I have no idea what hoochiecoo or hoochiecoochie is... I have heard of it, but I can only imagine!!! lol
Does anyone really know????

Nancy/ NE. PA. who probably used to do THE HOKEY POKEY and the Hoochiecoo!!!

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/June

Re : Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/June --- Nancy Williams
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Apr 25,2002,22:56 Top of Thread Archive
I thought it was what you say when you tickle a baby under the chin and say, "Hootchie, kootchi, coo" ......... Am I really saying something pornographic to the poor infant?

Sally in North Idaho who never did like that Hokey-Pokey thing.

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey

Re : Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/June --- Sally - in - Idaho
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Apr 26,2002,09:45 Top of Thread Archive
I actually have a t-shirt that says"maybe the hokey pokey IS what it's all about". It just struck me as very funny. If one wants to analyze it, it probably means you give it your "all" or not at all.

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/Nancy

Re : Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/June --- Nancy Williams
Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), Apr 26,2002,05:30 Top of Thread Archive
Your right, of course, Nancy - Hokey Pokey it is! BUT hoochiecoochie could be substituted:-)

I love Sally's thoughts that she might be saying something pornographic to a baby - what a hoot!!!

June in Toronto where its only 6 am, but I've already had my morning laugh

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/Nancy

Re : Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/Nancy --- June in Toronto
Posted by colleen ® , Apr 26,2002,18:29 Top of Thread Archive
I am old enough to remember the hoochiecoochi.
They had hoochiecoochi dancing girls at the
county fair and carnivals.You could hear their
music all over the fair grounds.My mother made
us hurry by them.
Colleen in IL

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Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/Nancy

Re : Re: Hoochiecoochi?/Hokey Pokey/Nancy --- colleen
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , Apr 26,2002,20:10 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks Colleen, that is pretty much what my dad said but he seemed uncomfortable talking about it and wanted to know why I wanted to know. My dad is much older than you are so he was probably standing around watching them rather than hurrying past-hence his reluctance to discuss it.

The things that we learn on this bb.
Shirley in Arkansas

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Re: Hoochiecoo?/spring fever!

Re : Re: Hoochiecoo? --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), Apr 26,2002,09:55 Top of Thread Archive
I must apologize to you all, but i have a touch of spring fever; it made me say that. I don't know what it means really either, other than wild dancing , which i haven't done much of in years. (The wild dancing was part of my aerobic routine that i thought would be more fun than strict, structured movements.)
Last week I had uncontrollable urges to spray unsuspecting passersby with my garden hose as i was watering and say "gotcha!" I did not do this, but the urge was very, very strong. Yesterday i set the freezer door in phil's apartment to attack him with falling frozen lasgna boxes. He has reset the trap for me now. this morning there was joy and lughter in my heart for no apparent reason. i can only self diagnose myself as having spring fever. This is good as i am usually so damn serious. Oh, also I am allowing myself to swear like a sailor at times, only in private tho.

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Re: Hoochiecoo?/spring fever!

Re : Re: Hoochiecoo?/spring fever! --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Apr 26,2002,16:33 Top of Thread Archive
Kathy, it's refreshing to "see" you being so lighthearted and zany. Talk like a sailor anytime you want. You won't do anymore than be banned from the BB! Enjoy life's little funnies and make more of them happen. At least it was only lasagna that hit Phil on the head. I had a shelf of heavy loaf pans, including tow very weighty Pyrex ones come down on my head several nights ago. My own trap. I didn't get knocked out, but sure was dizzy and saw stars for awhile.

Go ahead and spray the hose on walkers. Can't hurt them too much.

Sally in North Idaho, still looking out with one eye. Annoying!

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Nicotine. --- melissal
Posted by Christel-California ® , Apr 25,2002,11:40 Top of Thread Archive
I hate to admit it, but I'm a smoker and it doesn't decrease the spasms.
On Monday I'll be back on the patch and would appreciate collective prayers and or positive thoughts sent my way in helping to achieve success this time. Quitting is the pits and I can stand all the help I can get.

Christel in Ca.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Christel-California
Posted by Evelyn ® , Apr 25,2002,17:30 Top of Thread Archive
Hi Christel,
Here are a few tips that I heard when we helped with a stop smoking clinic years ago: Don't sit in the chair that you usually sit in when you smoke. If you smoke in the house, air everything out. If you're a coffee drinker, try to give it up till you've kicked the smoking habit.(Usually the coffee and cigarette habits are associated in the smoker's brain) Drink lots of fruit juice and water. Have a friend that you can call when you get the urge to smoke. It helps to have encouragement. Pray for strength. That's all I can remember.
My daughter just quit smoking about two months ago. She had cut back to about two cigarettes a day for several months, then finally made up her mind to stop totally. Her husband hasn't kicked the habit yet.
Good luck.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Evelyn
Posted by Christel-California ® , Apr 25,2002,19:01 Top of Thread Archive
Evelyn, thanks for the tips. I don't smoke in the house anymore, so at least it doesn't stink and it cuts down on smoking as well.

Christel in Ca. who is tired of this terrible habit.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Christel-California
Posted by Evelyn ® , Apr 25,2002,23:00 Top of Thread Archive
I hope some of the tips will help. I'm glad you're tired of the habit...nobody can quit till they can make the decision that they've had enough.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Christel-California
Posted by Evelyn ® , Apr 25,2002,23:01 Top of Thread Archive
I hope some of the tips will help. I'm glad you're tired of the habit...nobody can quit till they can make the decision that they've had enough.

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Re: Nicotine.

Re : Re: Nicotine. --- Christel-California
Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Apr 25,2002,23:18 Top of Thread Archive
Christel, you have my support in any way you need. Good luck to you. I wish there could be a patch or something to convince me not to eat. I even thought of taking up smoking as a diet aid, but am allergic to the smoke and it would probably just add more problems to the zillion I already have.

Sally in North Idaho

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