Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
You are so right Sally. I feel for you. :-(
I hope your right eye improves soon and the blurred vision goes away.
You know the drill with the drops and the ointment. If that gravelly feeling gets worse, you go back and see them and make sure that you don't have a corneal abrasion or something.Shirley in Arkansas who doesn't like it when Sally is down. :-(
I'll come over with cool compresses and Roy will be along to vacumm and get us take-out.
Re: Compresses/Vacuum/Take-out
HURRY!!!Sally in North Idaho seeing the world through one eye and a wee little squint of the other eye.
Re: Compresses/Vacuum/Take-out
We're on our way.
Let me at your doctor, though, first. He has given you one too many ptosis's (?) I'm not happy with him.Shirley in Arkansas where the cat is swatting at me trying to get my attention.
Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
Not nice Sally, I know - hope it improves real soon for you.June in Toronto (beb/meige)
Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
I hope you don't. We would really miss you on this bb if anything happened .
Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
Poor you! It is really going to be a pain I can see when we can't organise our lives into a pattern. Coping is ahrd enough isn't it with the symptoms?
I remember when I was at University the Head of the Biology department used to go round all the girls in their first year and ask them about their periods. His point was that there were certain days in the month when it wasn't worth studying so those were the days when you should go out partying...and then study like mad for the rest of the month. So, re the Botox, i have been trying to work out when is the best time for me to go on holiday...and will I be o.k for my daughter's wedding next February. And i can't.
I do hope your eyes soothe down very soon. I know you will already be drinking lots and lots of water to rehydrate yourself so I hope it works. I wonder too if the Vanities get the same dosage as we do, and if they have the same problems, because I wouldn't go through this if I didn't have to, would you?
Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
About planning for wedding next Feb.--1) keep a record of how your eyes are doing each week, after you get your shots. I find that my eyes are best at about 3 or 4 weeks after my Botox. 2) Once you know your best time, if necessary shift your Botox appointments. I get Botox roughly every 3 months. When I wanted my eyes at their best for a special occasion, I "stretched" to 14-15 weeks to make the timing come out right, so that my shots would be 4 weeks before special event.
3) Remember to use lots of eye drops all day long every day after you get Botox to keep eyes moist during day. If overnight ointment isn't keeping you from getting that gritty feeling, try Saran Wrap. I have been using it every night for nearly two years-it really works. If you need instructions on how to use it, e-mail me at
Good luck! Ruth in Massachusetts where it was 93 last week, 27 this am, and 57 today! That's New England weather variety!
Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
Good advice Ruth and I think that most of us that have had BEB for any length of time do some adjusting of our scheduled BOTOX visits if there is a known really special occasion or trip coming up. It doesn't always work out but it's worth a shot (sorry).Shirley
Re: Oh! That Fickle BOTOX Stuff!!!
Thanks. I almost missed this message tonight too.
Unfortunately i think i will have difficulty in changing my appointments to suit myself. I had to wait some time befor i got the Botox as i have to fit in with other existing patients using it too. Because it is so expensive we share the bottle, and as it only lasts 4 hours once it is opened we all have to come on the same morning.
however I will mention it to the consultnt next time I go so tht he cn try to accomodate me if i give him enough notice maybe. Actually i should phone tomorrow for that shouldn't I?
Pippa...very excited at the thought of phoning the number the nurse has just given me of a woman living in the next town to me who has Beb! i don't know anyone else who has it here.
Botox ... + effects
Sally:Well, guess I'll join your grumble club. Botox last Thursday, ptosis in my one good eye for the last couple of days. But, that's better than the shiner I got last time :) Folks, you just have to roll with the punches. Some times it is helpful, other times you wonder why you're doing this. Hang in there, Judy
Re: Botox ... + effects
Hi Judy,I'm glad to have you along as a fellow grumbler. As for the shiner, I've had them,too ... and almost thing I prefer that to a closed or half-mast eye. Supposed to go to a meeting tomorrow, tried to get out of it, but my Mother has no patience with my lack of community spirit. If the hostess weren't a friend, I'd say to heck with it and just stay home. Will wear dark glasses to spare others the sight, just hope it isn't as painful as it was today. Finally slept that off. Sally in North Idaho where the moon is beautiful tonight. We had delicious fresh strawberries for supper (probably from Mexico, but good, not watery like some of the early long-distance ones).