Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , Apr 28,2002,23:17 |
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This past week the Spokane ABC affiliate has been featuring vanity Botox in highly publicized vignettes each evening. It was disgusting. A 50ish mechanic didn't like the frown line between his brows, so he climbed on a table and had injections.I wrote a long letter to each of the anchors explaining what BEB is and how useful Botox has been for it, and asked why they couldn't publicize that a bit. I had a reply from the leading anchor, who has been her for ages, and she said she agreed with me as to the folly of Botox parties. She said she intends to look up the web site that I gave her next week when she has more time.
Maybe there is hope.
Sally in North Idaho, wishing my vision would hurry up and clear and my eye would raise its shade!
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
That's great,Sally. Even while you are feeling bad you are keeping the awareness going - good for you. Hope something comes of it, we can only keep trying.June in Toronto who is going to her second funeral today - two friends passed on the same day.
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
Just wanted to say I hope you can keep your spirits up. It must be very hard to cope with the death of two friends never mind one.
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
Thanks, Pippa, I'm trying to. The eyes have gone hay wire though, still I attended my yoga class last night and that helped. Have a great day - the sun seems to be shining here, but as its not yet 8 am I haven't been out.June in Toronto
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
Sally its great that you were able to get a message to this anchors on ABC, I was watching Good Morning America program and it was on Botox .
For most of us we depend on this medication and believe me its not about Beauty . We depend on this to cope better with our illness.
Take Care
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors/Sally
Good for you, let us know if she gets back to you on this!
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
Way to go Sally. While it is frustrating to feel like your words fall on deaf ears at times, when you are persistent someone is bound to listen. I have e-mailed numerous tv shows, news stations and newspapers on a regular basis and only a couple have responded. The newspaper article was great and the reporter loved doing it. When I was on the local news last summer, he told me he would do the story and would call me in 2 weeks. NOT! But I didn't give up and continued to call and email him asking for a date and finally got it. He introduced me to his camera man as the "very persistent Kelly Saffell." I don't mind having that reputation! Hope you feel better soon. I get my injections on Friday and am praying that I survive that long.
Kelly in Dallas
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
Hi SallyIt seems to be the same everywhere! Sad to say I never did get a call from the reporter who was supposed to call me regarding an interview on the medical uses of Botox - not as interesting as a bunch of old hags getting injections for their wrinkles! I am sure it won't be long before there is another so-called 'news item' on Botox for wrinkles and next time I shall get really, really angry. Lyn
Re: I wrote to evening news anchors
Good job, Sally! Hoping for good results ... but media may DECIDE that people want to hear more about botox for wrinkles than botox for a bunch of people who have something they never heard of and for which some UNINFORMED doctors refer to psychiatrists :-)) Hopefully there will be some who will be interested enough to do some research and produce an "expose of a little-known disorder called benign essential blepharospasm".