Re: Unsolicited X mail
JudyYesterday I started getting E-mail from people I did not know. My computer stated that it contained a virus and deleted it right away.
Also I have been getting advertising flashing up on my screen when I am in the middle of something. This is very annoying and I would like to ask if anyone computer whiz out there would know how to get rid of that. Do I have to change my E Mail address for that. Catherine
Re: Unsolicited X mail
Catherine, I've been having advertising pop up all over the place when I'm trying to read something, too. It seems that it gets sexier all the time. There has been so much junk mail coming in lately that it takes forever to get it all deleted. I have to be careful because my vision is blurry and I don't want to delete a message that I want to read. So annoying. Worse than the junk mail at the post office.Sally in North Idaho where it's been a lovely day.
Re: Unsolicited X mail
Hi CahterineWhat you need is a pop-up stopper. There are several available, free. I have one called POW from but there are several others such as Pop-up Killer and Pop-up Stopper. Mine has slammed 120 to date, it tells me. They won't come back. The only problem with a pop-up stopper is that they can be too vigilant and sometimes stop ones you want. I have a currency converter on my website which is a form of pop-up box and it won't work until I disable my POW programme if I want to use it. But I have certainly noticed a difference in th amount of those things - they mostly seem to be casino ads and the like. Lyn
Re: Unsolicited X mail/Lyn
I think we have another female computer wizkid here.The advertisements i get are BEHIND the screen sometimes when i use the search engine. I don't know they're there til it's time to close the window. Any clues on how to get rid of these?
--modified by kathy in Atlanta at Thu, May 02, 2002, 09:25:31
Re: Unsolicited X mail/Lyn
Hi KathyIn front - behind - it's all the same - they are still pop-ups. Get a free pop-up killer and you will soon notice the difference. Lyn
Re: Unsolicited X mail/Lyn
thanks for the reply. I'll have my "techman " look into it, if he has time.
Re: Unsolicited X mail
Hi JudyI recently downloaded a free anti-virus programme as a backup to my paid for major anti-virus programme. A few days later I got a really awful link to a porn site which I didn't open and there at the bottom of the email was the same company website as the free anti-virus programme. So that is how they got my address. Seeing as how they already had my address, there was no harm in writing to them to tell them not to send me such rubbish. I hope everybody knows NOT to reply to unsolicitated emails even to unsubscribe, as this is how they obtain your address - from your reply ! Lyn
Re: Unsolicited X mail
I have my junk mail on High but this morning had the most in there ever - 372 e-mails from one company - titled DVD copying or something - I just deleted them all.
We use the LINUX operating system 99.9% of the time - don't get virus' with that. Windows has too many `bells and whistles' for us and attracts the virus'.June in Toronto
Re: Unsolicited X mail
There is a virus out there right now that is spreading quickly but it isn't too harmful to your computer that it will corrupt it. It spreads by attaching itself to emails and this is why you may be receiving message from people you don't know because it just send out message with your name attached to it and my or may not have a message attached. Also if the message has no body this means your anti virus has scanned the email (if you have it set to do this) and deletes the infected message. I work on a computer at my work and we have been bombarded with these emails and we were alerted that them were basically harmless but rather just annoying.
Debbie from cool, damp Ontario
Re: Unsolicited X mail
But even if you do know the sender then don't be afraid to check it out first if the title seems strange. I still belong to a science technicians group and so get technical type mail. one of these was entitled "how to turn water into wine". It is just a game we play for younger children changing the colour of what appears to be water so that it looks like wine, and vice versa. Not anything any of my other friends would be interested in, and because i knew what it was I hadn't even opened this e-mail that arrived.
Imagine my surprise when all the people in my address list got this e-mail sent to them too, purporting to be from me!!! I don't know how that happened but as i had definitely not opened it then i know i didn't send it on by a mistake...
Re: Unsolicited X mail
Is X mail the same as e-mail or are we just generally talking about spam? I sometimes try and make my e-mail subject titles more interesting; that's just being creative.
By the way your baby bunnies are adorable. Your cat doesn't try to make a meal of them?--modified by Kathy in Atlanta at Fri, May 03, 2002, 14:02:42