Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
Wonder if it would work for a woman - just a thought.anonymous in NC
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
Joyce Whitt
Hi Me too just got my second set of Botox shots. They were so hurtfull. One of my right lower side bruced a little I could feel it .But I do beleive as soon as they are injected I can feel the difference right away. Kelly and Shirley say there is an onitment to nub the areas wher they are going to inject. They did 40 units because the first set wore out with in two months and its suppose to last 3-4 months. I'm really glad I got an appointment real soon it ususally take time.
Take Care Irene
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
Now, Scott, don't use that old "got a headache" line:-)!!!June in Toronto
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
Oh brother , I knew there had to be something funny on this page.
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
Scott, perhaps your Doctor is on to some important experiment, the makers of Viagra should run some tests on this.A lot of things are discoved by accident. It might even help some of the ladies. Perhaps 50 mg. is too high a dose for you since you got a bad headache. Try cutting it in half to 25mgs.Good luck. Edith
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
Oh, you mean we are actually saying here that there is something in the viagra that can stimulate the blood vessels to the nerve endings that opens the eyes?? like the acetycholine?
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
KathyYes, that is what my GP is working on. I have had varied success with a number of the meds used to treat angina. The trial with Viagra was just an extension of this. I understand the foundation are doing some research in this area - similar meds were the drug of choice in Japan before Botox. The medication I am having the greatest success with is Isoptin which is a calcium channel blocker. I take one 240mg tablet each morning and "usually" have the eyes open within an hour ( they are pretty well closed each morning on waking) and seems to work for around16 - 18 hours. I do have to be careful about what I do with the eyes to avoid closure - have to limit my reading, computer and driving if I want the eyes to stay open. I can usually get some short term results with nitro-lingual spray as well, although this is a bit hit and miss. Scott
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
This is interesting Scott, if it really works. do you know if too much calcium in the blood is what you doctor thinks might be your problem or make it worse?
--modified by Kathy in Atlanta at Tue, May 07, 2002, 06:34:28
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!
KathyCalcium levels are not really at issue. I understand (and could be horribly wrong) that Isoptin works as a vaso-dilator which in my case I presume does something to the blood supply of the muscles around the eye. Sometimes I wish I had a degree in pharmacology so I could understand some of this. Scott
Re: Viagra - it's an eye opener!!!/Scott and Ken
Well you know it would be interesting to know if a lot of men with beb have found this to be effective for them as an eye opener and they are just not telling we women about this!The only medical side effects I know are that you should not take it if you have heart problems, it changes your color vision and some people take on a rather flushed, ruddy appearance.