Re: Visit to new doctor
Hi Joyce, yes life can be so difficult at times and once a Mum always a Mum, right with their troubles (also applies to Dad's I'm sure)? I hope the at-home problems sort themselves out to every one's advantage soon.It sounds like you have a good doctor, but 50 units of botox for both eyes is not a lot to stop the injections if it doesn't do a good job. I've been getting 90 units (both eyes) for years and some go up higher than that. Your doctor should be prepared, if necessary, to increase the amount of units of botox you get. I know what you mean about the eye headaches - not nice, and stress doesn't help of course. Hope you feel better soon. Best wishes. June in Toronto (beb/meige)
Re: Visit to new doctor
Sounds like you had a good appt. I hope the injections are successful. I've been getting 100 units total for at least 5 years now. Mine only last about 5 weeks though. At my last support group meeting, I spoke to the Allergan rep and she said they have increased the max dosage for beb from 100 units to 150 units. I go today so I'm going to discuss this with my doctor. I very rarely have any side effects from the Botox at this dosage so I think I could handle an increase.Kelly in Dallas
Re: Visit to new doctor
Your message was just right for me Kelly. I get 100 each time too and they last 5-6 weeks. Glad to hear the good news. I don't have after effect ususlly either. We foud out I can't get them near the upper lip..but I am really hurting those last weeks.
A window sill fell on 4 of my fingers at 4:30 AM. I got myself to the ER. Throbbing, nothing broken but he gave me some Lortab pills and boy did my eyes light up. It would be wonderful to take 1/2 of 750 mg every day but my nurse daughter tells me they are highly addictive. Maybe I can break a toe. Ann Doyle
Re: Visit to new doctor/Ann
I can always count on you to make me smile! My husband is a nurse too so I couldn't get away with it either!
Re: Visit to new doctor/Joyce
my thoughts are with you joyce. What about some of the other things he thought you might have, any further info on this?
Re: Visit to new doctor
Joyce, I have 7 children and 3 gave me trouble at one time or another. The worst was one SOLD drugs. which i think is so much worse than taking them. He is now a missionary in the Ukraine . It didn't happen overnight. I feel I am trying to keep 7 ping pong balls underwater and as soon as I get 6 down--up pops another one. I was sirpirsed as adults about the problems , They are just different. When my son sold drugs. I came to the conlusion there are only 2 things you can do for your children. Love them and pray for them.
Just as you start a collage fund for your little ones, also start praying for a good mate. Someone who loves them with good moral character. Ann Doyle
Re: Visit to new doctor
Thanks for the reply's. Now to answer a few questions. The blood test came back negative, which was what I expected but was really wanting to find out why I had the dry eye so bad. Ann Dole, I have 4 children and one of my boys turned to the drug world when he was approx 15 and we put up with him, because we felt he was our responsibility until he turned 18, then out he went. He was raised in church and I did everything I knew to do. I did the best I knew how at the time things were happening. I prayed for him for 15 years and finally when he was approx 30, after at least 10 car wrecks that only God could have brought him through, he was saved, radically saved and I am so proud of him. He thought he had broke his neck in that last wreck and that was a wake up call for him. Now I have to pray extra hard for those grandchildren. I know this doctor told me if I didn't get at least 6 weeks that it would be no use for more Botox but I will ask for one more time at a larger dosage. I have a feeling that because of the way he injected the Botox that it will work for a while anyway, maybe not 6 weeks but more than I have experienced in the past. (O ye of little faith!!) Joyce in NC whose headache is feeling much better now after taking a nap.
Re: Visit to new doctor
It's not that you have little faith. You are a realist and don't want to be disappointed. I get 20 shots, 100 units. Two on the frownn line , 3 on the forhead above the brow. That's 3 on both sides. 3 on the side of the eye --the ear side 6 all together. one on the eacg cheek and two on my throat because it wants to close and then I can't swallow. Ann Doyle
Re: Visit to new doctor
I didn't know that the largest dose was 100units. I receive 50 units, 5 injections each eye, none in the middle and my eyes open 4 days after.
My second set which I received Mar 28, and today my eyes are still open. I don't seem to be straining to keep them open much lately like I was the first couple of weeks. I haven't need the night ointment for the last 3 nights and I have only need eyes drops during the day, ocasionally. So far so good (touch wood!).
Debbie Campbell
Re: Visit to new doctor/Debbie
Debbie, someone on the bb said they just raised it to 150. That doesn't mean all doctors will give 150. 100 is the most usual that people take. Ann D.
Re: Visit to new doctor/Debbie
Thanks for the info Ann. I appreciate your comment.
Re: Visit to new doctor
You should let your new Dr. know, not to give up on Botox after one treatment. It took almost a year of Botox treatments to find the right dosage and how soon to come back for the next round. I was told that the Botox works best if it doesn't totally wear off before coming back for the next treatment. My dosage is about in the middle of what others are getting. I get 70 units with 8 shots around each eye. That seems to be the best dosage for me. At first I went back every 3 months like clockwork, but the last two times I've extended it some. I go back next week and it's been 4 1/2 months! I have noticed that the sun is bothering me more than usual, so I guess 4 months is good. I also found that for me the Botox doesn't usually kick in until about a week to 10 days after I had the shots. Good Luck
Re: Visit to new doctor
Hi Joyce Hope your shots workes for you this time.
I am praying fou you and daugther.
I have 3 children & 8 grandchildern
At tmes i think that worry is my middle name
If i had them all settled and well at the same time i would still find something to worry about.
God Bless Colleen in IL
Re: worry/colleen
Most women worry alot. It seems to be a one of the survival techniques we have that sometimes gets things done!
--modified by Kathy in Atlanta at Sun, May 05, 2002, 07:27:25
Re: worry/colleen
I used to worry a lot and still worry sometimes but I realize it doesn't accomplish anything. I thought , the more I worry about my children, showed that I loved them a lot. Then one day a friend said;"All worry is a lack of trust in God". Not only was I not supposed to worry about my children but that it was wrong to worry. I also heard the expression ;" If you pray, why worry and if you worry, why pray." As I said I still worry some . Ann Doyle
Re: worry/colleen
I know we are not suppose to mention religion BUT Oswald Chambers says:
"It is not only wrong to worry, it is infidelity, because worrying means that we do not think God can look after the practical details of our lives, ....Have you ever noticed what Jesus said would choke the word He put in? The devil? No, the cares of this world." (May 23) Joyce in NC who feels she has to help God by worrying just a little bit for her family.
Re: worry/colleen
I'm worried about you Joyce. You're starting to make sense. Ann Doyle
Re: worry/colleen
Thanks Ann - I needed a laugh this morning!!Joyce in NC
Love 'em and pray/Ann
I have 5 adult children, all happily married, good jobs, and giving me wonderful grandchildren. Many years ago, when I was "beside myself", my mother surprised me by saying, "All you can do is raise them the best you can until they're 18, and then keep praying! Mary
Re: Love 'em and pray/Ann
Mary, I haven't thanked you yet for answering my leter to the editor. Doug Clark forwarded it to me. I really appreciated it. Again THANKS!!Would you believe the conflict in my daughter's family was resolved but there are still problems. My husband tells me not to worry so for them because by the next day usually things are better. But when they hurt, I hurt. Mothers are like that. (Remember that commercial?) Joyce in rainy NC.
Re: Love 'em and pray/Ann/Joyce
Once a woman has children she can never be the same as she was before!!