Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
LaShelle, Your story sounds just like mine until the doctor part. I would go to a neurologist at a movement disorder clinic who has been treating bleph patients with botox for awhile.
My condition keeps getting worse. I now have it in my throat. Until recently the max amount given was 100 units. My doctor gives them in 2o places. It spreads out. I heard that they can now give 150 but I'll bet my dr. won't give that much. They are afraid you will become immune to Botox and then have to go to Botox B that usually doesn't work as well. They also usually only give them every 3 months for the same reason.
Did you get some literature from the Bleph org. E-mail Web site
They will send you all kinds of free literature and help. This bulletin board is the best help of all.
My husband has to drive 3 hours to get my shots--one way. It's an all day adventure. I was lucky enough to find a friend in town .The bebrf sent me the name and phone number of someone in my state and she gave me the phone number of someone in my ciy.
The doctor giving the Botox has a lot to do with it The fact that you have it in your jaw (I do too) may mean you have Meige syndrome. Pretty common.
Please contact bleph, then the people and find a good doctor. I have never heard of more than 24 shots in the face before. Ann Doyle
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
LaShelle,You sound like many of us. I'm sorry to hear your struggling with BEB.
Are you seeing a nuerologist? If you can get to UCLA, ask to see a nuerologist who specializes in motion disorders as a second opinion. It is really important to find a docotr who has a lot of knowledge about BEB. As far as I know Botox is the best treatment for us, if done correctly. As for the pain in your face, do you think it is because of all the spasming, or do you think it's really nerve pain? I have trigeminal nerve nueralgia that does get worse after the shots. That last about 3 weeks for me. Cutting the nerves to your face would be a last option. I have had the nueralgia for almost a year now, and no one has mentioned surgery. I use Lidoderm patches for the nerve pain. They are like bandaids that I put on at night and the lidocaine gel numbs the nerves enough for me to rest. 152 injections or did he mean 152 mg of Botox? No wonder you are bruised. Botox takes approx 2 weeks before the full effects are realized. So make sure you give it time before getting more shots. Hang in there and take care of yourself. Get to a specialist - which you should be able to find through the BEB main menu. Sign up for the news letter too. We're all in this together. Take Care,
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions/LaShelle
This seems to be yet another blatant example of a doctor giving you a drug with no information on the dystonic reactions it could cause in you. It's good that the second one could immediately recognize both your symptoms and the cause. I don't know what you're supposed to do about this.
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Welcome to the bulletin board, LaShelle - what a beautiful name you have. I'm so sorry you are going through all this, it certainly is scary and painful, but we are here to comfort each other and help in whatever way we can. Being bruised after the injections is somewhat normal - remember not to take blood thinners (vit. E, aspirin) for about a week before. Some people use EMLA cream, a prescription cream to help with the pain of the injections. It is put on in layers (avoiding the eye) starting about 2 hours before the injections and covered with saran wrap. Others who have used this method will comment on it I'm sure - I've never used it. You appear to have had 152 injections with 3 full vials of botox which (at 100 units per vial) = 300 units. I wonder how many of this you got for the beb around the eyes? It sounds like a visit to UCLA might be necessary. Do, as another posted, get all the information you can on the subject - talk to your doctor about it fully - some people keep a journal so they can remember all their symptoms on a daily basis. Keep your chin up and keepposting - we care. June in Toronto (beb/meige)
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Welcome, LaShelle, you have come to the right place for support and information. BEB/Meige seems to develop differently in each person, yet as you review some of the BEB bb postings, you will find many similarities. It took me 4 years of searching to find out what was happenig with me and most likely would still not know if it wasn't for the BEBRF and the BB. I printed off info from the BEBRF and took it in to my PCP, who referred me to a local neurologist. The local neuro doctor has been wonderful, but after talking to an opthomologist who specializes in BEB, I requested a referral to UCLA neurology clinic. The opthomolgist explained that when someone has developed meige and other additional symptoms, it is best to get a neurological work up to know exactly what nerves and muscles are involved. He felt the best place to do that is at a "teaching hospital." For me, the closest place is UCLA (and which my insurance covers). I am in that process right now. It is my understanding from UCLA that Dr. Vanek is the movement disorder specialist who is specializing in BEB/Meige.
Be sure to read through the old postings on the BB, there is a wealth of helpful information regarding ways to deal with light sensitivity, Botox, medications, herbs, stress, and finding ways to cope. You have found a place to receive support and information. It makes the journey easier to know that others have traveled down similar paths.
You are welcome to contact me through email if you have additional questions. Linda in Santa Maria, CA
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Hi, LaShelle,Sounds like you are carrying a heavy burden right now. Let me suggest that you go to one of the Univ. Med. Centers to get the latest info on diagnostic procedures and treatment. I'm not familiar with who's who at UCLA, but I can recommend Dr. Peter Quiros at USC/Doheny Eye Inst., who is my Doctor for this condition. You need a very accurate diagnosis, because what you have described has features of BEB, MEIGE, and HemiFacial Syndrome (HFS). HFS is treated quite differently from the others, and is curable, unlike the others. I am shocked that your Dr. gave you so many shots. 150+ is WAY off the charts, IMHO. I am the Southern CA Rep for BEBRF, and while I will be out of town this coming week, after May 12 feel free to call me at 760-360-4006.
(I live in Palm Desert.) --- Lynn
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Hi LaShelle,You do have a basketful of symptoms to deal with and I can understand your being scared and uncertain what to do. I think that the visit to UCLA sounds like a good first step for a second opinion. You say that "It's been two weeks since the injections, my eyes are normal" ... that's great if you actually mean they are staying open, not spasming or painful. That is the goal of Botox. Welcome to this BB. Come often and feel free to ask, comment, discuss nearly anything (politics and religion are out, but what do they have to do with BEB anyway!). There is always someone around who will listen. We have soft shoulders when you need to cry and vent your frustrations. All we ask is a sense of humor. That will get you through many tough spots. We like to have a little fun and do some "partying" now and then. Take care and keep us posted. Sally in North Idaho where it feels like snow today. My husband and grand-daughter are running the Bloomsday 7.5 mile race tomorrow and will likely freeze.
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Welcome to the BB and Bless your heart! This is not the first time I've heard of Paxil and other antidepressants triggering BEB/Meige/and other dystonias. That makes me really angry. What you describe needs attention from a movement disorder specialist who knows how to treat BEB/Meige and whatever else could be going on with you. I've been the eye clinic, eye/neuro clinic and the movement disorder clinic neuro clinic route and the last one has been the best for me. Many movement disorder specialist use EMGs to find exactly where to place the Botox when the face, throat and vocal cords are involved. Botox migrates and nerves sprout so you need an expert who knows how to use the least amount of Botox in just the right place. Bruising, ptosis, and pain will be miminal to zero if you are prepared properly before, during and after injections. The expertise of the doctor giving the injection is a must to prevent all these things. Ice before and after, applying pressure, EMLA cream 2 hours before, avoiding the aspirin and Vit E as mentioned all will prevent you unnecessary problems. Learning relaxation breathing and visualization can also help relax you and decrease the discomfort and bleeding. Good luck and keep posting.
Delaine, the TN state Rep
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Thank you for all the good survival advice. I wil pay attention and use it if I have a chance in the future. I wonder why the patient is not given any such information prior to the treatment. The amount of suffering could be eliminated and the success rate increased with a little more medical counseling. I will be well armed with printouts of these messages when I go to UCLA.
Thank you
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
My newspaper said that 1/3 of people going to the doctor now, go with computer printouts. There is so much knowledge out there , one doctor can't keep up. Please keep in touch and let us know how things turn out. Ann Doyle
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
Most doctors don't believe what is found on the web either (according to what I've heard) - BUT what we say is OK - OK?:-)June in Toronto
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions
That sure is true, June. In fact we shouldn't believe everything either but if you can find something by a Medical Association, it's hard to refute. My GP who helps me here in town and is learning with me about bleph , listens and then make up his own mind because he has a lot of other info to add to it. I don't tell my movement disorder neuologist much. Just how it is with me personally. Ann Doyle
Re: need advice, comfort, suggestions/LaShelle
LaShelle, most of us learned all these survival techniques right on this bulletin board; that's how valuable it is.