Re: I miss my face
Oh Denise, I can relate to that so well. I understand so completely. I am not a vain person either, altho I have always wanted to look my best when I went out. Like you I hid behind sunglasses, it really is a necessity tho, the light kills my eyes. Yesterday in church I decided to just keep my sun glasses on, I have new ones that are close fiting to the forehead and have side pieces (horse blinders) on the side. Someone in class called me Miss Hollywood, no harm meant but it hurt, I took them off but had to put right back on because our SS class is well lit and I could not take the light. We have to just hang in there, tie a knot in the rope and just hang on. Joyce in NC who had to go back to bed this morning because eyes would not open and after an hour's extra rest (did not go back to sleep) they now are OK. For the time being.
Re: I miss my face
DeniseI feel the same way. When I look in the mirror I sometimes wonder who is looking back. That can't be me. I was alway told I had beautiful big blue eyes and nice dimples. Now with the botox they dont' smile. I feel like I have aged 10 years. Others say they don't notice anything unless I point it out. I have had surgery and that has helped but they are not like they were before. Fortunately I have a wonderful husband who loves me for me. I take one day at a time now, get plenty of rest especially if I am going out at night. I buy the most fashionable glasses with the darkest tint that I can find and I have several pairs. I only wear makeup when I go out with my husband and have had my eyelashes tinted so I don't need mascara.
To Better days ahead Catherine in Calgary where we just got a 1 ft of snow and it is still snowing. I was leaving to Montreal today if the flight can get off the ground!
Re: I miss my face/Miss Hollywood
Joyce, I understand your hurt. Why don't you go to a thrift shop and get some sort of ostrich boa or fancy stole to wrap around your neck, a big tiarra and a long cigarette holder and really go for the Miss Hollywood look next week in SS!!! Better stay in flat shoes, though ... don't risk tumbling on your tiara or tush!Sally in North Idaho who took quite a tumble when eyes closed, feet fell out of slippers, both hands were full, and Miss Sally went tumbling to floor with husband's cold coffee spilling on couch and small pan of water from cleaning a spot went over my head. Nothing in me broke, but I'm shaken up and stiff and will probably have a couple of big bruises. It gets so frustrating trying to live a "normal" life when the eyes just won't cooperate.
Re: I miss my face
oh! Yes! I miss my face too! But other people don't seem to notice as much as I do! Yep...Eyelash dyeing is a lifesaver.. and it doesn't smudge when you rub your eyes either..I hardly ever wear eyeshadow as I always smudge it!
I had steroids a while back..and they have made me into a lovely bearded lady..funnily enough other people notice that more than my misbehaving eyes!
Claire in macclesfield where it has been a great windy sailing day!
Re: I miss my face
I had forgotten about the Prednisone causing facial hair. I was wondering if it was just hereditary. I surely get tired of facial waxings.
Denise:Yes! This seems to have hit me harder than much of the other symptomology. No more contacts, no more eye makeup. It's bifocals and dorky wrap-around sunglasses :[ Call it vanity or anything else you can think of, it's no fun. Anyone who has a megabyte problem with this is as normal as apple pie.
I'm tempted to write to the women's magazines (MORE by Ladie's Home Journal, is at the top of my list) and say, Hey! How about writing about those of us who have a physical problem which makes us look older. What would you do about giving US a makeover. Judy
Re: M.I.A.
Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself, I think of the younger people and how hard it must be. First I thought of teenagers. Being a teen is hard enough all by itself. Then young adults dating, applying for jobs , raising children. I was pretty when I was younger but I didn't age well, heavy smoking and sun worshipping plus genetics. So , I stopped looking in the mirror except at one little section at a time.
I'm 71 and would rather be more attractive given a choice so for the ones who miss their smiles--you can always grow older and get wrinkles. It would have been very hard for me if I got it when I was younger. Ann Doyle
Re: I miss my face
I miss my face as well, Denise. I wouldn't have gone out of the house without eye makeup on before, but now don't want to touch those eyes except to put drops in! I've never considered tinting the lashes - might be an idea if I can find out more about what it entails (I'd hate to think that the tinting got closer to the eyes and caused yet more problems). I'm lucky that my hubby loves me any which way - I could wear a sack cloth and he'd think I looked great! I feel sorry for the young women who have this disease. We'd all better work on those SMILES to counteract the lack of makeup:-)June inToronto(beb/meige)
Re: I miss my face
That's really nice, June that your know your husband loves you.
My daughter has a beautiful friend,from the States who was in love and now married to a man from Sweden. At the time--20 years ago, she said;" You never tell me that I look nice." His response---Oh. Ann Doyle
Re: I miss my face
Ann, I say to my hubby "how do I look - ok?". He doesn't even look at me (most times) and when I challenge that he says "you look nice in everything you wear". But in his strange way (he's a prof and they are in 'other worlds' most of the time -- I know, not only am I married to one, but I worked with them for 20 years) he means it! Oh well - gotta get compliments anyway we can:-). I have a son who is the opposite - he really gives out the compliments - son cares about what he wears, hubby doesn't! That remark by your daughter's friend's now-husband is fairly typical of some I think - not what we want to hear though. Have a good day.June in Toronto
Re: I miss my face
I'm right there with you! I'm 33 and was the high school homecoming queen and most beautiful. Wouldn't be winning any titles these days. After our family picture (in the photo album) I cried because of how I looked with my droopy eyes. Never thought about eyelash tinting. Think I'll check it out. I still wear makeup but have to be careful about the mascara.
Kelly in Dallas
Re: I miss my face
Kelly, you can have eye liner and eyebrows tatooed on. Ann Doyle
Re: I miss my face
Re: I miss my face
Denise, I understand what you are feeling--the sunglass thing gets old
together with the twitching and in my case, noises, grimacing and obvious breathing irregularities--I keep affirming that I am still the same person inside and am loved for that and not my appearance but I still sometimes feel the loss of the appearance and just allow myself
that. Grieving is part of this disorder and process. So, thanks for sharing the hurt and we are here supporting and caring about you for who you are... Joanne M. San Diego, CA
Re: I miss my face
I totally agree with all of you -- I thought I looked so much better with contacts instead of glasses and since my myectomy my eyelashes are so much thinner, mascara doesn't do much. We need to cultivate our inner beauty ladies! I used to know a woman whose face was scarred badly as a result of being burned in a fire, but we hardly noticed. She had such a bright smile and infectious laugh we thought she was lovely! She battled cancer for several years before she died at 63.
Was it Forrest Gump's mother that said "beauty is as beauty does" ??
Cynthia in IL avoiding mirrors
Re: I miss my face
If anyone decides to try eyelash tints make sure that the beutician does a patch test behind your ear first to make sure of no reactions. They usually put loads of petroleum jeely around your eyes to protect them. I haven't had any problems with the tinting and it looks so good!
Claire and three growing kittens!
Re: I miss my face
I know how you feel and I feel the same. I am 43 (coming up for 44 may 18Th) and think this every morning as I am getting ready for work. I do miss my face as it was, without the tired drooping eyes and I really dislike wearing those big wrap around glasses. They make me feel like I am wearing swimming googles! I have to keep telling myself 'It could be worse' and their are 'a lot less fortunate than myself.'
Thanks for saying you miss your face. I needed to hear others feel the same way.
Re: I miss my face
How long does the tinting last for Claire?June in Toronto
Re: I miss my face
Tinting lasts about six weeks. I do it because I scuba dive and swim...Photos scuba diving are great everyone looks funny with masks on!
Re: I miss my face
I try not to think about it. Even though I don't have BEB, all my problems have taken their toll. My blind left eye has become opaque, and the contact/prothesis has a tear, so is too painful for me to wear. That eyelid has pstosis. My right eyebrow and eye are beginning to twich...sometimes badly. I wear a processor behind my right ear so I can hear, so that ear sticks out further. I, gripe gripe:) I have to just do the best I can with what I've got left to work with....just like everybody else. I know others have it worse, but sometimes we have to let off a little steam.
Re: I miss my face
I designed my own clothing line and the art for the fabric print also.Having to be at the major fashion markets meant,I traveled in and out of the country. My appearence really counted.I also was noticed because I always stood out,clothes ,hair, face. Now I hide and avoid all my use to be life. I did get permanent make up, lips and eye liner done.I know longer wear any make up at all,besides face cream.My life has certainly changed.I too miss my face and want my old life back.The past four years have been a nightmare and I want it to end. Lile
Re: I miss my face
Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most. Between the condition and the meds, the brain is really going. I am 71 and a professional student. Used to be a teacher. The last class I signed up for was Geriatrics. I thought it would be fun to see if they got it right, or if I did. But I can't drive half the time so I dropped out. Can't spell anymore either. Feel dumb. Ann Doyle
Re: I miss my face
Ann, if there is one thing you haven't lost it is your mind!!!
And I have just spent 10 minutes looking through my wastepaper basket for one of the daily diary "sayings" that I had thrown out the other day but which applies to me......
"I have not lost my mind-it's backed up on disc somewhere."
Pippa, who misses her smile more than anything. It is still a silly squint thing. And the frozen face is awful. And i hate it when I go into a shop with a friend to choose tiles for example for myself and the assistant insists on speaking to the friend instead of me about them.
AND for good measure though I must tell you that when I was looking through the photograph album last week I had thought what a good looking bunch everyone was, and wondered somewhat whimsically if that was another necessary requirement for BEB!! Honestly, I did.
Re: Good looking bunch
"What a good looking bunch you all are" ... I noticed that, too, Pippa. Everyone looks beautiful (guys included!). Is part of that because I have gotten to know their inner beauty, families as well, before I actually saw their physical attributes? Sally in North Idaho who is so happy to have so many beautiful friends.
Re: Good looking bunch
Keep looking Sally. I keep adding pictures. I've added more photos in the "BB Family Album" and "Our Pets" and "Scenic album".
Oh, and we now have pictures of Lyn's "Chooks"! I'd been waiting and waiting for that photo but Lyn had to wait for a pretty day for her photo shoot of the "ladies".Shirley in Arkansas who has both sons home from college for the summer.
Re: I miss my face
That sales person ought to be severely chastized for treating a customer so rudely.
Is your face frozen from the Botox (how far down the face did they go?) or from surgery? Do you just have blepharospasm or something in addition? I do not yet know my entire diagnosis. Blepharospasm was the first diagnosis, and I received the Botox and it opened my eyes, and apparently there was a shot in the cheeks because my smile has changed, but the lower half of my face is not under control. But now I am waiting for permission to go to UCLA medical for further advice. Since my entire face in spasming it has been mentioned that nerves could be cut on the sides of my face. I have not yet accepted the possibility of that.
My heart aches for you Pippa.
Re: Facial Nerves
Hi LaShelle. I wouldn't let anyone cut any nerves on the sides of my face, as was mentioned to you. This used to be one of the treatments for BEB but is pretty much thought to be a very bad idea, now. I'm glad that you are getting further advice. You are very early into this and I find it rather disheartening that anyone would recommend any permanent surgical options at this point. (I guess mentioning them is ok) Cutting any of the facial nerves though, could cause permanent damage or paralysis in that area. Run for a second or third opinion if this is offered as a viable options.Shirley in Arkansas where it is raining again. I won't even mention the humidity.
Re: Facial Nerves/Shirley
could you please let us know what the name of that surgery was? I mean the cutting of the nerves.
Re: Facial Nerves/Shirley
The cutting of the facial nerves is called a Neurectomy. It could be a Neurectomy of the Facial Nerve or Selective Facial Neurectomy, among other names. It would depend on which nerve that they were cutting.
Sally's mother had this done, I believe several times. Maybe she will comment on it.Shirley in Arkansas with BEB/Apraxia
Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had
Yes, my mother had this neurectomy in the '60s and '70s ... I think she had it four times because the nerves kept regenerating. The last time she had it, one side of her face fell and that eye does not close. She swears up and down that she'd have it all over again in a minute; gets very disgusted with me because I won't find someone to do it. She talked to my neuro, and he told her that this procedure just is not an acceptable option. I don't think I would risk it.Sally in North Idaho BEB/Meige and a very, very sick beloved dog.
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
thanks sally, I don't recall ever hearing about this type of surgery or the name of it, I do remember you telling us about your mother's surgery.
Is this the same little pooch who was missing after gallivanting about? is he an elderly dog or can someone fix his problems? I get almost as upset when my pets are not feeling well as I did with my children.
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
Same pooch ... "Kelly" ... a mostly cocker spaniel, age 13-1/2, we adopted him as a stray when he was about 6 months old. He was in the hospital for 2-1/2 days this time being brought back from the brink, nearly gone when we got there. He has cancer and autoimmune disease. We are treating him and loving him and dreading the moment when we have to say goodbye. Thought it was to be yesterday. He was worse in the morning, so my son who lives with us (Kelly's special person) stayed home from work, we called vet and talked a long time and he told us what was probably going on, and that we needed to face the end and not let him suffer.It was a beautiful May day, sunny and blue, nice breeze but chilly. Randy took Kelly outside about 9:00 a.m. for a short walk, then Kelly wanted to lie in the grass. The two of them spent the whole day on the front lawn, visiting and Randy and I crying and reminiscing. Kelly mostly slept, but moved about a bit when he was uncomfortable. Randy only left long enough to go help his dad unload some grain, then hurried back home. I prayed that Kelly would just "sleep away" while Randy was gone. We debated going to the clinic at the end of the day, but hesitated waiting for the other two sons to have their chance to say goodbye. Brought Kelly back inside when the sun was going down, fed him and made him comfortable for the night. This morning, he was so much perkier, got up and ate (he has kept a voracious appetite, due to medications) and told the guys he was ready to go to work with them! Two of my sons were here, just going to be working on machinery today. I told them they might as well take Kelly, because that's where his heart wanted to be and no point in forcing him to stay home. He had a lovely day, just lying and sleeping and watching them, being in his favorite place (the farm) with his favorite people. He doesn't seem overly tired tonight. But we know the time is coming, this is only borrowed time. Oh, soooo hard. Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel! Sally in North Idaho where it was another beautiful day. Last son just walked in. Now all three of them are here, will this be the ending?
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
Oh Sally, I have tears in my eyes. This is beautiful writng! I'll read any of your "novellas' anytime. it sounds as if kelly is having a good end of dog life. You can't tell me animals don't remember.
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
I know what you are going through. I had 2 close calls with my dog. The first time I took her to the vet, I thought to be put to sleep but he gave her a shot and she perked up and was no longer in pain. We did the same thing about 4 months later. I kept hoping she would die in her sleep, that I would wake up some morning and she would be dead. I thought of getting a puppy so I wouldnt be alone when she died but I felt she didn't need the added stress of a pup at her age. She deserved the best. We always did everything together--even running till she got too old. She coould walk 3 miles and gradually got down to the corner. At age 17 I had to put her to sleep. I borrowed a neighbors dog for a week -- she didn't like him anyway, an old boy friend left him with her.--while I looked for the right pup. Ann Doyle
Such a sad time Sally. Our dearest friend, who is 86, has just had to have her 12-year Lab put to sleep - he went into seizures and was suffering so. My friend is devastated as she hardly goes outside herself now and `Jessie' was her lifeline as well as the love of her life. But we both agree that the love we get from their short lives is well worth all the sadness at the end. I wish your Kelly a peaceful end. Hugs June in Toronto
--modified by June in Toronto at Sat, May 11, 2002, 07:45:54 --modified by June in Toronto at Sat, May 11, 2002, 07:46:41
Re:Love for our Pets
Sally, it was a lovely "novel" and very heartfelt. I know that many of us understand what you and your family are going through. It will help you to write about it. It is very difficult. I know that his last days will be filled with much love from his family.
Love ya,
Re: Love for our Pets
Oh Sally, my heart goes out to you for Kelly and the family--I cannot
believe it's over a year since I had to let Beaumont go...They are just
so special. Be thinking of you during this time. Joanne M. San Diego, CA
Re: Love for our Pets/ Happy ending
Time for a happy story. I was at the shelter and an older woman was dropping off her pekinese because she had to go to a nursing home. There was a woman customer there who said she always wanted a pek. and now that she was retired, she had time for one. A perfect match. The woman would be home a lot and the dog was older and the woman wouldnt have to housebreak it or go through the chewing stage or the terrible two's that seem to last 3 years. Ann Doyle
Re: Love for our Pets/ Happy ending
That's true , Ann. I forgot how very destructive that chewing stage can be. It's okay if they accept an old shoe but when they get to the furniture, that is very hard to control. Or you can try those rawhide strips and chew toys.
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
Just for Sally. Someone gave me this poem and it helped me when my dog Misty was dying two years ago, in similar circumstances. I hope it helps you too. I have no idea where it comes from.Hope I don't break any laws doing this but I think it was written to comfort people in just this situation
Pippa, feeling emotional tonight for you.
If It Should Be. If it should be that I grow frail and weak and pain should keep me from my sleep
Then you must do what must be done, for this last battle can’t be won.
You will be sad I understand, don’t let your grief then stay your hand, for this
Day more than all the rest, your love and friendship stands the test.
We’ve had so many happy years, what is to come can hold no fears. Would you
want me to suffer? So when the time comes please let me go.
Take me where my needs then will tend, only stay with me to the end and hold
me firm and speak to me until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time that you will see it’s a kindness that you do to me. Although
my tail it’s last has waved from pain and suffering I have been saved.
Do not grieve it should be you who must decide this thing to do, we’ve been so
Close we two these years, don’t let your heart hold any tears.
Re: Poem/Pippa
Pippa, that is a beautiful poem and made me cry, remembering our Gidget
who went to sleep in Germany. She was actually my daughters dog, whom I raised and took care of for 8 years, since she worked and I did not at that time. My daughter married a soldier and went to live in Hawaii without Gidget, she didn't want her to spend months in quarantine. After that Gidget went with them to Fort Hood, Texas and then to Germany. I was with her when Gidget had to be put to sleep and took her to the American vet who wouldn't allow my daughter to stay in the room, though thankfully the assistant was a friend of my daughters and Gidget knew her. But I think it's awful to not be able to hold your pet through it's final moments in life. I printed it out, but won't show it to my daughter, it will make her cry all over again. She always remembers leaving the room and Gidget's eyes following her. I think, now she would just insist on staying.Christel in Ca.
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
The poem is lovely, Pippa. I printed it out to save in my special file for such things. Makes me cry, but so many things do! Thank you for caring.Sally in North Idaho, where our "Kelly" is back to enjoying his senior years in the May sunshine, but I know the day will come.
Re: our pets
It is amazing how much our pets mean to us all. We had Cinder put to sleep last summer and it was horrible. She had panceatitis (sp?). We never knew when it was going to flare up but when it did she would have to be rushed in because the pain was so severe and she would have to stay in the hospital for a few days. When she had her third attack in 2 months we knew it was time. She woke up and didn't eat and I just prayed "please no" but by the afternoon she was hollering in pain. I sent the kids to the neighbors, gave her a triple dose of pain med and held her until the vet got back from lunch. Morgan still cries sometimes. She took a poster to school this week to hang up since it is her birthday week. One of her pictures is of Cinder and Ashes. She said she almost cried at school yesterday thinking about Cinder. Our hearts are with you.
Re: Re:Surgery(ies) my mother had/Sally
So glad Kelly is enjoying the sunshine again! our furry friends are so precious to our hearts and give us all such unconditional love don't they!
Claire being tormented by three manic kittens!
Re: Facial Nerves/Shirley
Re: Facial Nerves
Thanks for that information and advice. It was a pretty scarey idea to me.
Re: I miss my face?Pippa
Yes they are all pretty good looking. I'm trying to see if anyone else doesn't have these glabellar furrow lines like me, or if it is a natural out come of the botox injections or whether some people are just more prone to getting them. BUT noone will answer my question.
Re: I miss my face?Pippa
Sorry, I must have missed that one. Do you mean those vertical lines between the eyebrows? I used to have them very much and disliked them intensely because people would ask me what was the matter as they thought I was frowning, or angry. But I wasn't. (usually!) But with every dark cloud there is a silver lining...with the Botox I now don't have those lines so pronounced. I find it difficult to frown now at all which is good. i used to have such an expressive face and everyone usually knew exactly what i was thinking which had disadvavtages....
Pippa, with the frozen least i think it is but my 16 year old neighbour (who had brought her 7 baby rabbits round to play with my dog, and to help me dig up worms for the two lively and hungry bby thrushes I have adopted) said today " I know you are supposed to be ill...but what is actually wrong with you?" When i told her, she said "OH!" and then very apologetically said "I'm sorry ...I never noticed". I could have kissed her!!!
Re: I miss my face?Pippa
People used to say the same thing about me. As I tried to describe Ifeel like i am frowning under my skin.When the botox works really well, there is a very noticable release of pressure in this area ( the brow area) and i feel like I am free and happy for no reason. It is such a noticeable feeling i wonder if anyone else experiences it. I also looked at my mother's forehead in her assisted living home yesterday and she only has tiny little furrows in this area at age 73. So maybe some people just get these more deeply and earlier than others.
Re: birds/ Pippa
Speaking of birds, I have noticed a gold finch the last couple of days that I have not seen around here for years now. There is also a strange young bird with a yellow belly and a long greyish throat and a head resembling a woodpecker on my bird feeder who looks like he does not know quite what he is doing . I wonder if it is a yellow bellied sapsucker, or did Ijust read that somehere in my long ago. Also there are some hummingbirds feeding on a white flowering small tree right outside my window that i have never noticed before. Obviously this is before the prerequisite side effects are fully setting in from my injections a couple of days ago!
Re: birds
It wouldn't surprise me if the bird you couldn't identify is a flicker that we call a yellow-hammer. It's the state bird of Alabama and would be seen in Georgia, too. There is a yellow-bellied sapsucker, but it would probably be north of us at this time of year.
Virginia in AL, who used to have a Bama fan co-worker whose favorite cheer was "Yellow-hammer, yellow-hammer, Give 'em hell, Alabamer."--modified by Virginia at Sun, May 12, 2002, 13:59:12
Re: birds
the way i recognise a yellowhammer is to listen to it's call, and if it says "a little bit of bread and no cheese" then it is a yellowhammer. the first bit is said quickly and the last bit is said sadly...
Pippa, feeling a bit daft about this!
Re: birds/pippa
i love to watch birds also, but it's springtime and they are so interesting maybe some people think birdwatchers are a bit daft.
Re: birds/Virginia
It probably is then. I have never seen one before. He just looked so awkward it was funny. I thought maybe he was a baby mourning dove.
Re: I miss my face
Evelyn, What happened? How did you lose an eye and an ear? Ann Doyle
Re: I miss my face
I have been diabetic for nearly 45 years which caused retinopathy, which caused a different kind of glaucoma, which caused the blindness in my left eye. In 97, I lost hearing in my left ear in one day. In 98, I lost all hearing...also in one day. It's an autoimmune problem, and the dr. said it wasn't caused by the diabetes. Juvenile diabetes is also an autoimmune problem. In Feb. 99, I received a Cochlear implant, which has allowed me to "hear" again....far from perfect, but at least I can hear... in some situations better than others. I had a new "map" made for my hearing yesterday. I notice some improvement already, and am hoping for more improvement. It usually takes a few days for the brain to get used to the changes. My stroke in Oct. of 99 seemed to make it harder to pick up on sound.
Evelyn in Wa, where it was snowing and icey yesterday. So strange for this time of year!!
Re: I miss my face
With an eye, ears and a stroke you've had enough , Evelyn. It's said that we grow in the valleys but sometimes I tell God I'm sick and tired of valleys and need a hilltop or at least a rest. Let somebody else grow for awhile, I'll just sit here and watch. Glad your hearing has been improved.
Re: I miss my face
I keep hoping that I've had all I'm going to get, but who knows?:) I'd like to find a mountaintop occasionlly myself. My hearing has already gone downhill. Oh well, it was better right at first.
I'm hoping my sister is feeling better today. Mon. she had a long needle inserted into her hip joint for a dye test..Ouch! She's had both hips replaced, and is now having trouble with one. She had polio at age twelve, and is still having repercussions at age 61.
Evelyn, always hoping for better days
Re: I miss my face
I've been working on my personality for years now. It's turning out nicely.
Re: I miss my face
You know how there is one person per neighborhood that's a grouch. Well, I live in a really nice neighborhood and we don't have one. Then one day, I realized I was "IT". I've been working on my personality a long time and turned into a grump. Ann Doyle
Re: I miss my face
You are so... funny Ann!June in Toronto who got her first laugh of the day from Ann
Re: WOW!
I really thought that I was being petty and vain, but I guess not.
I'm feeling better/stronger today. Ready to fight again. This BEB is quite the rollercoaster isn't it?I'm back to painting today. Thanks again for all your support -
Re: WOW!
Denise, your topic seemed to be one that many people could identify with. I found it interesting that there were very few men, if any, who responded. While we don't have to deal with the make-up, we also deal day to day with the feeling that people are staring at us because of the facial expressions we make. In my case, after the lower Myectomy I had, I was left with a "bag" under the left eye. Now I realize that a lot of people have these naturally under there eyes, but to me it bothers me to no end. I feel as though everyone is noticing it. While I don't consider myself a handsome devil, I always tried to present myself well and no matter what happens, I will not let that change so long as I can help it. My wife is someone who is beautiful but has the facial complextion that whe needs to wear makeup. I cannot imagine what it would be like for her if she had problems in that area. I think it would devistate her so I only can guess how some of you must feel when you can't use the eye and other makeup any longer. Anyway, hang in there and I am glad that you are feeling a little more upbeat. I just didn't want everyone to think that we males were insensitive to the isssue...Alan
Re: WOW!and makeup!/Alan
Thank you alan; I for one do appreciate your input. My boyfriend and others say i look perfectly fine without makeup but I don't want ONE of the pleasures of being a woman taken away from me. I have switched to washable mascara in ROYAL BLUE that removes very nicely with only soap and water, don't want anyone dying my eyelashes, grow my own fingernails and look like a very pale person without lipstick, something i will never give up beside the fact that they make too many beautiful colors to resist and have no intention of becoming Amish.
Re: WOW!
Denise, I am a "Tole" painter also. I have been painting almost 25 years, maybe longer. I started out in oils and then switched to acrylics later on. I have posted a chair and table I painted in the Photo Album in the Just for Fun catagory. E-mail me sometime and we can talk shop. I am glad you posted about missing your face. I am quite sure everyone on this BB is LOVELY, why, because I have seen an inner light come through everyone's posting and it illuminates your character. Character is who you really are, our face is just the surface to the world. How they see us is not really that important. Most of you said that your husband loved you no matter how you looked and to me that is worth more than anything. I tell my husband that I still see him through the eyes of the girl I used to be when I first met him. I don't see his balding head, his big tummy (after all my cooking put that there)I still see his big brown eyes behind the bi-focals. I love him - what can I say. I bet there are a lot of you who can relate to what I have just said. Joyce in NC who has a terrible headache and I guess that puts me in the sentimental mood. I am also going to a meeting at my church for the "older" members and if that person calls me Miss Hollywood I am going to tell her ever so sweetly that I wear them for a reason and it hurts when she says things like that. I know she means no harm but that doesn't change the fact that she is insensitive.