Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax
It certainly is! Thank you! I will check it out here in scotland too.
Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax
Thanks for the info, Kelly. I'll have to check into that. Where did you come across this information?Shirley in Arkansas
Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax
Someone in my support group called me to tell me that she was approved for SSD and she gave me the info. She had called the tax assessors office about something else and ended up finding this out. I called my local office and they are sending me the paperwork to fill out. It will save us about $500 a year but our taxes are very high in this area (ours went up to $5600 this year). I'm going to see if I can get it retroactive but won't hold my breath.
Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax
I'm certainly glad we have an accountant on this bb. Who else would have ever discovered this bit of info!
Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax
Hi everyone, On our property tax statement it said "if you are 65 and/or disability you could qualify for a discount. OK, I am 65 and I have a disability. I sent for the pepers , even my doctor signed that I had a disability BUT as it were - we make too much money. You have to be below 18,000 to qualify. I had to send last years tax statement with my application and they said we made too much. I can appeal but funny thing is, I don't remember making that much because my husband and I were both retired but he did have a part time job just for the insurance. I will check this out further but I am sure the tax people are correct. I live in Randolph county, NC and this was for the property tax only. Joyce in NC
Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax/Joyce
we need to know this information and I'm glad the trhu a support group this was found out. By the way, your picture on the photo album is really good! I was not expecting to see that after all you've been thru. Also your tole painting is great, That must take a lot of patience.
Re: Disability May Reduce Property Tax
I received my form yesterday and looked thru it. All it asks for is a letter from disability insurance or doctor and a signature. It doesn't ask for income or tax statement so hopefully that isn't the case in collin county.