Thanks for comforting canine get-well wishes

Posted by Sally - in - Idaho ® , May 13,2002,13:13   Archive
A big, loving thank you to all my friends on this BB for you concern and caring thoughts over our "Kelly." I'm beginning to think he must be part cat, with nine lives, as this is either the thrid of fourth time he has been brought back from the very edge. Update: He is progressing well, acts fairly "normal" (for a 13-1/2-year-old dog, gets up eager to go to the farm every morning and lies in grass and naps. He goes back to the doctor on Thursday and I'm sure the vet will be surprised.

We know this is just a lull and additional time given with him, but we'll enjoy it for all it's worth.

I do appreciate each and every one of you.

Sally in North Idaho where it's to be another nice day, but will change to cooler and windy tomorrow.

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