Posted by Scott Harvey ® , May 15,2002,08:22 | Archive |
Well I finally got the phone call today that I had been waiting for for the last 3 months. They have accepted me for "Totally and Permanently Incapacitated". The emotions are running rampant - whilst I know that this is what needs to happen for me I am upset to be leaving the area of disablities that I have become passionate about over the last five years as State Manager of Disability Services. I suppose it is fairly ironic that I have now joined the "other side". Once I have sorted out the immediate issues that such a change brings I am determined to do something on a volunteer basis to put something back into the Disability Sector. No matter what difficulties this condition brings it is nothing compared to the challenges that others with severe and profound disabilities face on a day to day basis.
Scott in Tasmania
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Re: Retired at 42 - mixed emotions!
I was "retired" from my job as a CPA at the age of 30. I've been on disability for over 2 years. My kids are still little (7 and 4) so I they keep me busy but I have just taken over as the BEBRF area rep and I'm holding regular support group meetings and talking to newly diagnosed patients. I know you will find a way to share your gift of mercy with others.
Re : Retired at 42 - mixed emotions! --- Scott Harvey Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , May 15,2002,09:08 Top of Thread Archive
Kelly in DallasRe: Retired at 42 - mixed emotions!
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Good news for your beb and less stress, Scott. You will surely find yourself as busy as you want to be as a volunteer and I'm sure it will all work out for the best. Take care
Re : Retired at 42 - mixed emotions! --- Scott Harvey Posted by June in Toronto ® (June Floyd,June in Toronto), May 15,2002,13:31 Top of Thread Archive June in Toronto
Re: Retired at 42 - mixed emotions!
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Well done Scott! Once you have given yourself time to reflect properly,...... and this is very necessary for you ( and take pleasure in taking the time off)..... let us know what in any way we too can help others. I am sure that there are some of us who now have the time, who would benefit from helping others.
Re : Retired at 42 - mixed emotions! --- Scott Harvey Posted by Pippa ® , May 15,2002,14:58 Top of Thread Archive
I have regarded my disorder so far as being a timely warning to to others to do the things they want to do NOW and to not wait until later, retirement, more money etc comes along..and to do the things they want to do NOW. but I am sure that there is something else i could do to help people, (and therefore to help myself from self pity..this is all selfish you understand) if I only had some guidance or inspiration.....
PippaRe: Retired at 42 - mixed emotions!
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G'day all.
Re : Retired at 42 - mixed emotions! --- Scott Harvey Posted by Patricia Dudley ® , May 15,2002,15:45 Top of Thread Archive
To me, early retirement means moving on to another level of activity. I believe we all finish our "work" and are needed elsewhere to do more where we are needed and this could be the case for you Scott. With all your knowledge in the Disability Services area, there are plenty of ways to keep you busy in a different way than you are used to. You can understand fully the position people are in and can help them far better than someone who doesn't have BLEP. Just from your short comment, I can tell you are just the person for the job. Good Luck and always look on the Bright Side.Re: Retired at 42 - mixed emotions!
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Yes..the emotions are so mixed..but you now have a great gift of time...and I think this is a gift that we either use wisely, or we can so easily waste...and we can never get back the years that the "locusts have eaten"
Re : Retired at 42 - mixed emotions! --- Scott Harvey Posted by Claire Wolstencroft ® , May 16,2002,02:53 Top of Thread Archive When I had to leave work I spent most of two years, with ups and downs, not making the most of "time"..maybe it takes "time" to adjust...but now I am finding that there are all sorts of wonderful uses of time...and I still have to keep reminding myself to enjoy moments as long as I want..I don't have to rush on and do the next thing..there are no deadlines...this gives you time to spend really listening to people...being available for friends family and loved ones and also time for your own soul and whole inner being....
Like others have said..this isn't just the's a whole new beginning..and can be really exciting.
Blessings from Claire who has learnt to have fun with her children and is looking forward to being an Art Student next year!
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