Hi there Carol,Look at it this way, you are joining a great group of us :) Kidding aside, you'll get past the psychological 'title' of disabled. You're still the same person you were. Get the Disibility package from the BEBRF office, it has lots of letters, etc. in it. How's the pups? Judy
Cuter than ever and smarter then their owners most of the time! Thanks for your support, I really appreciate you.
Re: Social Security Disability
Judy gave you some good advice. The best thing I did was get the SSD packet and the post from Judy she made on Nov. 19,1999. It really empowered me. I refused to see anyone except an expert and offered to pay the difference because of her post. My doc wrote a one page summary of my meds and treatments that I had tried and focused on, "She can no longer perform the functions of her job due to her disability from the BEB." I copied the first two pages of the BEBRF brochure and stapled it to every form I sent in to SS. I was approved within 60 days of filing. The questions on the forms usually don't apply to us and can't be answered Yes or No, so I did a lot of notes to the side or end or just said, this does not apply to my condition. Good luck and keep us posted.
--modified by Delaine Inman at Wed, May 15, 2002, 22:07:26
Re: Social Security Disability
Thanks to Judy, Delaine, Kelly, Ellen and Vivian for your quick responses and offers to help. You are swell.
Re: Social Security Disability/Carol
Carol, I am glad you are getting some results. Is this from the Barrow Neuorological Institute/family research survey that quite a few of us filled out? Did this Dr. or the institute get in touch with you personally?
Re: Social Security Disability/Carol
I am a patient of Dr Stacy at Barrows.
Re: Social Security Disability/Carol
Oh, that's good. Did you also fill out the research study that a lot of us did?
Re: Social Security Disability
Delaine, I tried twice to find the Nov. 19, 1999 posting from Judy that you referred to in your response to the initial post by Carol Arp on SSD. Could you please let me know what it said. I am trying to help my kid sister walk through the process she faces in a few months. BTW, she does have the BEBRF packet on same. I think their sample letter for the doctor is really good. Your suggestion to staple the first 2 pages of the BEBRF brochure is excellent. I feel correct medical terminology is everything. In a recent article on Botox in a New York magazine, a respondent wrote: "What is not well known is that this same medication (used for facial wrinkles) has been used far longer for the treatment of DISABLING NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES." Is Meige Syndrome, blepharospasm and facial dystonia considered a disease or a disorder? Please clarify, someone! Thanks.
Re: Social Security Disability
Geri, you can find the information that Judy gave us in the BEBRF Main Page at the top of the bb page. It will be under disability information and if you scroll down you will find Judy's comments. I also found them very helpful when I applied for disability.
The link for the above is: I refer to Blepharospasm as a neurological disorder. Others prefer to use "disease". We have had much discussion about this and I feel that both are essentially correct. Go with whichever you prefer. Shirley in Arkansas with BEB/Apraxia