Posted by debbie campbell ® , May 21,2002,21:38 | Archive |
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Re: Cranial Therapy/acupuncture
Re : Cranial Therapy --- debbie campbell Posted by Ken C. ® , May 21,2002,22:52 Top of Thread Archive
Hey if the insurance covers it go for it! Can’t hurt. My Mother-in-law just came in to visit for the weekend and she is a massage therapist. She also has the license for CT. It felt pretty good but with just one session I didn’t notice any improvement. My wife has suggested acupuncture but I’m a bit of a skeptic, anybody else?Ken in DFW
Re: Cranial Therapy/Debbie
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Yes, Debbie there was an entire article or website posted for this ,some time last year I think. Maybe someone can pull up the link for you.
Re : Cranial Therapy --- debbie campbell Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 22,2002,04:55 Top of Thread Archive Re: Cranial Therapy
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I have had cranial therapy in the past and still have it along with soft tissue manipulation every couple of months. It does help alleviate some of the pain in my neck and jaw from the spasms but when I tried the cranial manipulation on my temple/brow area my beb was much worse. It was like it "woke up" the nerves and they fired off for about a week. Everything did settle down but that was a week from hell. I also tried acupuncture once but I didn't feel like the man was ethical and I never looked for anyone else. He worked under someone and asked me to come in after hours and then he would charge me less. I felt like that was wrong plus my husband had a cow about me meeting him after hours alone.
Re : Cranial Therapy --- debbie campbell Posted by Kelly Saffell ® , May 22,2002,11:58 Top of Thread Archive
Kelly in DallasRe: Cranial Therapy/kelly
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"had a cow'', do they still say that?lol. There was a site however on her last year....and I think someone else who was trying it.
Re : Re: Cranial Therapy --- Kelly Saffell Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 22,2002,15:42 Top of Thread Archive Re: Cranial Therapy
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Hi Debbie:
Re : Cranial Therapy --- debbie campbell Posted by kerry horton ® , May 24,2002,18:08 Top of Thread Archive
My Mom has BEB and she has been going to a CST for a few months. She has also gotten quite a bit better during this period and I think she attributes it to the CST. She is actually able to drive again!!!!
Good luck to you!!!! I think you'll love it!!!!
Kerry in CT
PS - By the way when we were trying to find a CST in our area, I called the Upledger Institute in Florida where the training takes place for these therapists. They recommended going to a therapist who had taken their advanced training and had earned the credentials "ADV". They have a website and list all therapists by State with their credentials. Related link: http://www.upledger.comRe: Cranial Therapy
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Hi Kerry,
Re : Re: Cranial Therapy --- kerry horton Posted by debbie campbell ® , May 24,2002,18:21 Top of Thread Archive
Thanks. I'll check out the site.Also thanks for all who responded.
Debbie, Ontario, CanadaRe: Cranial Therapy/Kerry
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This also interest me. The site's print is way too small for me to read right now. So your mothers; beb has improved, Can you tell us basically what she has done? Does it hurt?
Re : Re: Cranial Therapy --- kerry horton Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 27,2002,05:36 Top of Thread Archive Re: Cranial Therapy/Kerry
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Hi Kathy:
Re : Re: Cranial Therapy/Kerry --- Kathy in Atlanta Posted by kerry horton ® , May 27,2002,10:14 Top of Thread Archive
Here is the basic information from the upledger web site briefly describing the therapy. I can tell you that it is very non-invasive and extremely relaxing. You basically lay quietly on a massage table fully clothed while the therapist applies very light pressure to different parts of your head and/or body. There is a book available from the institute that describes the entire therapy in detail.
I can tell you from my Mom's experience that this can be a very powerful therapy. Even though the physical inputs from the therapist are small, it seems to have the power to help you deal with your emotional side as well. Like yoga and some other forms of relaxation, when we calm our bodies down we can start to deal with ourselves on a deeper level. That can hurt - depending on how you are feeling, but it may just be the most theraputic part of the whole process.Good luck, Kathy. If you give it a try, let us know how it goes.
Kerry in CT
from the website
CranioSacral Therapy
CST was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger following extensive scientific studies from 1975 to 1983 at Michigan State University, where he served as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics.CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.
By complementing the body's natural healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:
Migraine Headaches
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Motor-Coordination Impairments
Central Nervous System Disorders
Orthopedic Problems
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
Infantile Disorders
Learning Disabilities
Chronic Fatigue
Emotional Difficulties
Stress and Tension-Related Problems
Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
Neurovascular or Immune Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Surgical Dysfunction
Re: Cranial Therapy/Kerry
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I actually have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with a cranial therapist and I am looking forward to it. I'll post detail upon my return.
Re : Re: Cranial Therapy/Kerry --- kerry horton Posted by debbie campbell ® , May 27,2002,17:09 Top of Thread Archive
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