Re: Eye Protection for outdoors/ron
very innovative solving of a problem ! What color or kind of tint helps you with your beb?
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
Hi Ron and welcome to the bulletin board. Thanks for the information on the goggles. We're always open to things people have tried that have helped. Sounds like a good idea and I'm glad that you shared it with us. I had never thought of being able to tint safty goggles. I'm glad that it is helping you.Shirley in Arkansas with BEB and Apraxia
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
Hi Ron, welcome to the bb and thanks for the information. I, too, bought a pair of safety goggles and use them when I have to be out in the evening (and don't need the sun glasses at that point) to help protect my eyes from cold winds. I find them reasonably effective. I hope you will post often and let us know how you are doing.June in Toronto (beb/meige)
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
I bought a pair of glasses called Fitovers, which go right over the top of my glasses. Because they are dark, and have side panels that are dark, as well as fitting close to the forehead, they block out excess light from above as well as blocking wind. They are much better than just wearing regular sunglasses which still let in light from above and sides.
Ruth in MA, where it finally warmed up today after 4 mornings of frost.
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
First of all, having the safety goggles tinted was pretty ingenious andcertainly an inexpensive way out. I had bought some wrap around prescription glasses which work fine although I don't use them as often since I had the FL41 done to my regular glasses.As to Ruth and the frost, I know what you mean. I live in NH and I lost over 200 dahlias and cannas that I had planted. I am hoping that they may acome back but I am not sure. I had grown them in my basement under grow lights and put them out last week. I even had the sprinkler systems running most of the night to try and save them but no such luck. It got down to 27 one night and that was enough to do them in. Typical New England, it was in the 80's just before those four days and now it is in the 80s again...Alan
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
Alan,What is FL 41 done to regular glasses? My sister has a lot of trouble finding sunglasses that block out the harsh sunlight especially the sides when she's driving. Thanks.
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
Geri, if you do a search under FL42, you will find a lot of info about it. Basically, it is a special tint that was developed in Salt Lake City initially for Migraine Headaches but then was found to be very effective against the lights that effect BEB patients. It is a tint that can be added to your current glasses (even sunglasses) but you will either have to send you glasses out to Salt Lake City to have them done or if you need a new prescription anyway, you can either send out the lenses or have them do it. The name of the Company is Knighton Optical and the fellows name is Chuck Swallow who runs it. There are literally hundreds of we BEB patients who use them and find them very effective. I hate to advertise for them but they are the only ones that do this process that I am aware of. I have spoken with Lenscrafter and there is not enough demand for them to be bothered....I do not have their Phone # in front of me and I am taking a break from packing as we are heading to Florida in the morning to attend my nieces wedding so I probably won't have time to dig it out but someone else will help you or you can get in from the foundation....Good luck..Alan
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors
The website for FL41 glasses (in Utah) is
Re: Eye Protection for outdoors/Alan
Now THAT is a bummer, your flowers I mean. You are able to grow cannas that far north? Do you have to dig and store the dahlia roots overwinter?