Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
Yumm....I love marmite! Spread on toast or a cracker is wonderful! The other way I use it is to mix some marmite and cheese into pastry and roll it out, slice it up and make "savoury biscuits". Also on bread sliced into thin "soldiers" and dipped into a soft-boiled egg!
Much Love
Claire - feeling fed up becuase I have an ear infection from scuba-diving..serves me right!
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
Thank you Claire! I needed a more light hearted subject to think about, at least for now. I read about marmite many, many years ago ; it is relatively hard to find . The breakfast idea is great with the soft boiled eggs.
As for swimmer's ear: i had to deal with this problem almost nonstop with my children when they were younger and as we had a pool it took some time to figure out that not ALL these problems were ear infections. there is a product called swim-ear or maybe it's changed; they are drops that you put in before extended diving or swimming that prevent excess water from remaining in the ear canal. If applied 'religiously' or you know regularly ,it can definitely help with this problem, IF it is not indeed an ear infection. I have also used it, being a mermaid(waterlover) from birth.
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
Thanks! It is definitely an infection...swollen glands, and now it's spread to my sinuses and I need yet more antibiotics...however, whwn it has cleared up I will try those ear drops. I try to swim three times a week and I'm sure I pick up all sorts of bugs from the pool or from the sailing lake!
And I think I will have marmite on toast today!
Love from one mermaid to another!
Re: Swimmers Ear
Claire, you can also use equal portions of vinegar (white) and alcohol. Just mix in a small squeeze bottle and when you get back from the lake or swimming, pour some in your ear and then let it drain out. The alcohol allows the ear to dry and the vinegar changes the acidity of your ear canal so that you don't get "Swimmers ear" which is a type of fungal infection when your ears stay wet all the time.
Don't use it until your infection clears up, though, as it would burn. Once your ears are well, it will be ok to use it to prevent it from happening again.
You can also just buy the "Swimmers Ear" product that Kathy mentioned. I believe that it has pretty much the same type ingredients in it. Our pediatrician told me about the vinegar and alcohol when my boys were young at we spent lots of time at the pool.Shirley in Arkansas
--modified by Shirley-Arkansas-USA at Mon, May 27, 2002, 18:18:15
Re: Swimmers Ear
Thanks! I guess if it is fungal then antibiotic drops will be making it worse? my GP has taken a swab though...
Re: Swimmers Ear
Even if it started out as a fungal infection, with the irritation and bacteria introduced, it can easily turn into a bacterial infection. I'm sure that your doctor will prescribe the right thing, especially since he took a swab to culture. Warm those drops up before putting them in your ears by rolling the bottle around in your hands for a few minutes or soaking in warm water briefly (that will remove the label, though). They'll feel better going in that way.Shirley in Arkansas
Re: Swimmers Ear/Shirley
SO you had to deal with is too! What a pain in the ear. Did you also have problems with GREEN HAIR? Both my daughter and i did for years.
It's also good to know about the homeade remedy.--modified by Kathy in Atlanta at Wed, May 29, 2002, 06:06:18
Re: Swimmers Ear/Shirley
No green hair here. I rarely got my hair wet. I didn't do much actual swimming-just played with my guys and watched over them like a mother hen. James loved to swim under water for as long as he could hold his breath. He became very good at it. I was constantly watching him as I was always afraid that he might pass out and drown. He would surface very briefly and go right back under so I had to be watching to catch seeing him coming up for air. I think that he did it just to worry me (he knew that I was watching) :-) He always said that it was relaxing under the water. After a while he would surface for an extended breathing session and smile and wave at me.
Kids! got to love em.Shirley in Arkansas who just had a few good memories. Thanks, Kathy.
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
Have fun swimming! It Is one of the best exercises you can do . Also Water aerobics. I NEED to do this too.
From an envious mermaid. Note the difference between envy and jealousy.
Swimmer's ear can be really painful. so just be aware of it.
Re: Mermaids/Claire/Kathy
WoW ! I have been trying to learn to windsurf with my 13 year old son and really have been a dismal failure! Determined not to be beaten I snuck in a sneaky lesson today while he was at school...with a different hunky instructor.( These windsurfing lads are ....mmmmmmmmm!!!!!) He gave me a childs sail as I am really not very strong and can't manage a full size sail, and followed me around shouting instructions..all of a sudden things began to click..and I actually began to get the hang of it and enjoy it! I am so pleased. It is not quite as hard as it looks and great fun....and certainly takes your mind off day to day problems. I can only manage a half length lesson as I get tired..but I CAN DO IT!!!!
Love Claire in breezy Macclesfield ( who has probably made Her ear a whole lot worse by numerous plunges in the lake!)
Re: Mermaids/Claire/Kathy
Claire, you go for it girl!! That's wonderful. Didn't I also read on
an earlier post that you scuba? I used to but with my blephs and
breathing difficulties now I would be too uneasy. Thought about trying
kayaking and may do that this summer. Or maybe canoeing would be more
my style!! Anyway, I am cheering you on!! Joanne M. San Diego, CA
Re: Mermaids/Claire/Kathy
Canoeing would be great...can't think of anything better than drifting down a river on a warm summer day! Or paddling across a lake to a remote beach and having a camp-fire!...
Funnily enough I can scuba, but won't canoe as my shoulders/arms get far too tired!
I have had respiratory problems in the past with my Dystonia...but scuba seems to improve everything!(And it's O.K. at the moment) I thinks it's because the air is delivered under positive pressure? I don't go deeper than 18 metres...(60feet)and try not to get cold.
The only problem I have had with the Bleph is walking back to the car after I have been diving!..I had to hold on to someone and be led last week!
My buddy is well aware of the problem so i feel safe enough!
Live life!
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
Thanks! It is definitely an infection...swollen glands, and now it's spread to my sinuses and I need yet more antibiotics...however, whwn it has cleared up I will try those ear drops. I try to swim three times a week and I'm sure I pick up all sorts of bugs from the pool or from the sailing lake!
And I think I will have marmite on toast today!
Love from one mermaid to another!
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
I just wrote "marmite recipies" and number 1 had four different ones. Each one extremly different. I was looking for a new way to use tofu and got more than 1,000. A lot of them were alike or identical but I got enought new ideas. The internet is a great place to find recipies. Ann Doyle
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire/Ann
yes it is. Also questions and friends such as the previous who have tried them.
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire
Marmite is popular here in New Zealand. I only have it on toast, or marmite and lettuce sandwiches are nice. Sometimes I add about a tablespoon to casserolles/stews.
Re: Marmite...Nutrition/ Pippa and Claire/Christine
thanks! perhaps Lyn from australia would also know some good ones. Or even Scott, however he is a man and i'm not sure many men cook.
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!
I've apparently missed something ... what is marmite?Sally in North Idaho where it's a cool day, but so far not raining.
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!
Marmite is a beef extract spread, Sally. Its very strong flavoured (in my opinion) and salty. In the U.K. we used to put it in toast but I was never very fond of it really, and nowadays my taste buds would definitely not like it. As usual, its different strokes for different folks!June in Toronto
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!
It comes in a small jar and IS strongly flavored and is a good source of b Vitamins. And with these additonal uses I will use it more.
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!
No wonder people have been writing about cholestrol. They've been eating Marmite.Ann Doyle
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!/Ann
Perhaps you have a point there, Ann. I don't know if it does anything to your cholestrol? I'm not sure many people eat it everday.
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!/Ann
I'm seldom serious, Kathy, I forget people can't see the jexpressioon on your face or the tone of your voice on the net. Ann D. (:-D
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!/Ann
Well , remeber I'm naive or gullible , so to speak. Seriously Ann, I will never forget your telling us that the only thing the zooloft did to you was give you a 'Strong urge to Shop" ! I almost posted it as the the most memorable comment for Mother's Day. I still smile every time I think of it.
Re: Marmite...I've missed something!!
But then again , i like anchovies and horseradish and wasabi. Not every day , but on occasion.