Posted by paul anderson ® , May 24,2002,11:04 | Archive |
A membership comprised of almost 3,000, all of whom either have dystonia, or are a parent whose child has dystonia, or have a relative or friend with dystonia, or are a medical professional who treats dystonia patients. Within this membership, almost 60 countries around the world are represented.
Dystonia On-Line Support Group Website
Easy access links to all Internet dystonia sites. A wealth of accurate and informative information !
"In Our Own Words" is profound reading for anyone visiting our site (these are actual e-mail excerpts taken from e-mails we’ve received and put up anonymously).
Library containing many published medical articles on all types of dystonia.
Photo Album. Member’s pictures.
A monthly D-Mail Newsletter. Free subscription; both interesting and "fun" reading!
A Parents Group. For those parents whose children have dystonia.
R.I.O. Pen Pal Club. An International Pen Pal club for our youngsters
from the age of computer literacy to age 18 to correspond with others who are dealing with some type of dystonia.
Up to date e-mails relating to various dystonia events, dystonia
information, etc. Sent out bcc (blind copy) to protect member’s privacy.
Immediate response to all e-mail inquiries seeking help, support or
We work closely with the DMRF (Dystonia Medical Research Foundation) and NSDA (National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association) so that our members are kept well informed and up to date on all new available information.
Officers and Webmasters: Anne Brett (
David Barton (