New additions to the photo album

Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , May 24,2002,19:08   Archive
I'll try to keep people posted as to when I add new photos to the bulletin board photo albums. I think that most of the people that look at the bb regularly have probably already looked at all the photos and this will just let people know when I add new ones.
Go up to the top of the bulletin board page and click on "Photo Albums". That will open a new page where you can select the album that you want to view by clicking on it and then typing in the password "beb" when it is asked for.

Delaine is in the "BB Family" album-picture #20
Her sheltie, Dakota is in "Our Pets" -picture #24
Delaine in her garden is in "Flowers and Gardens"-picture #16

Shirley in Arkansas-keep those pictures coming.

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Re: New additions to the photo album

Re : New additions to the photo album --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Shirley-Arkansas-USA ® , May 25,2002,15:19 Top of Thread Archive
I've just added three new pictures from Delaine.
"Flowers and Gardens" album #17 (photo of her garden)
"Just For Fun" album #13 (hobby photo of porch with angels and birdhouses)
"BB Family" album #21 (picture of granddaughter)

Shirley in Arkansas

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Re: New additions to the photo album/Delaine

Re : Re: New additions to the photo album --- Shirley-Arkansas-USA
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 25,2002,15:34 Top of Thread Archive
Shirley, it's a good reminder to see the current ones. Delaine, your garden is fabulous and very imaginative. I can see why you want to spend time in it. I wasn't aware that roses did that well in the South but by all these pictures , they certainly do!

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Re: New additions to the photo album/Delaine

Re : Re: New additions to the photo album/Delaine --- Kathy in Atlanta
Posted by Delaine Inman ® , May 25,2002,22:46 Top of Thread Archive
When you have a dog that doesn't respect flower bed boundaries you have to be creative. She loves laying in mulch and dirt and rocks! Our fenced back yard where she stays is not that big so I try to leave her plenty of space too. Having roses is a full time job. We have lots of insects like Japanese Beetles and they love eating them. The roses did great year before last and not so well last year. Hoping for a good year. I put soaker hoses at the base and try not to get the leaves too wet. We had a lot of rain last year and they bloomed but the leaves weren't pretty or fell off. Oh well.

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Re: New additions to the photo album/Delaine

Re : Re: New additions to the photo album/Delaine --- Delaine Inman
Posted by Kathy in Atlanta ® (kathy,Kathy in Atlanta), May 27,2002,05:31 Top of Thread Archive
It's absolutely gorgeous Delaine. I think most avid gardeners identify with farmers. Your bird sanctuaryis neat! What a cute grandaughter! Tell her to always aim the camera slightly above the top of the actual picture she is trying to take.

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